Examples: visualization, C++, networks, data cleaning, html widgets, ropensci.

Found 271 packages in 0.01 seconds

BaseSet — by LluĂ­s Revilla Sancho, a day ago

Working with Sets the Tidy Way

Implements a class and methods to work with sets, doing intersection, union, complementary sets, power sets, cartesian product and other set operations in a "tidy" way. These set operations are available for both classical sets and fuzzy sets. Import sets from several formats or from other several data structures.

tidysmd — by Malcolm Barrett, 2 years ago

Tidy Standardized Mean Differences

Tidy standardized mean differences ('SMDs'). 'tidysmd' uses the 'smd' package to calculate standardized mean differences for variables in a data frame, returning the results in a tidy format.

BVARverse — by Lukas Vashold, 4 years ago

Tidy Bayesian Vector Autoregression

Functions to prepare tidy objects from estimated models via 'BVAR' (see Kuschnig & Vashold, 2019 ) and visualisation thereof. Bridges the gap between estimating models with 'BVAR' and plotting the results in a more sophisticated way with 'ggplot2' as well as passing them on in a tidy format.

epiCleanr — by Mohamed A. Yusuf, a year ago

A Tidy Solution for Epidemiological Data

Offers a tidy solution for epidemiological data. It houses a range of functions for epidemiologists and public health data wizards for data management and cleaning.

trendyy — by Josiah Parry, 6 years ago

A Tidy Wrapper Around 'gtrendsR'

Access Google Trends information. This package provides a tidy wrapper to the 'gtrendsR' package. Use four spaces when indenting paragraphs within the Description.

yardstick — by Emil Hvitfeldt, a month ago

Tidy Characterizations of Model Performance

Tidy tools for quantifying how well model fits to a data set such as confusion matrices, class probability curve summaries, and regression metrics (e.g., RMSE).

ruler — by Evgeni Chasnovski, 2 years ago

Tidy Data Validation Reports

Tools for creating data validation pipelines and tidy reports. This package offers a framework for exploring and validating data frame like objects using 'dplyr' grammar of data manipulation.

tidyheatmaps — by Jan Broder Engler, a year ago

Heatmaps from Tidy Data

The goal of 'tidyheatmaps' is to simplify the generation of publication-ready heatmaps from tidy data. By offering an interface to the powerful 'pheatmap' package, it allows for the effortless creation of intricate heatmaps with minimal code.

tidygapminder — by Anicet Ebou, 5 years ago

Easily Tidy Gapminder Datasets

A toolset that allows you to easily import and tidy data sheets retrieved from Gapminder data web tools. It will therefore contribute to reduce the time used in data cleaning of Gapminder indicator data sheets as they are very messy.

rollup — by Ju Young Ahn, 6 months ago

A Tidy Grouping Set Aggregation

A Tidy implementation of 'grouping sets', 'rollup' and 'cube' - extensions of the 'group_by' clause that allow for computing multiple 'group_by' clauses in a single statement. For more detailed information on these functions, please refer to "Enhanced Aggregation, Cube, Grouping and Rollup" < https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/Enhanced+Aggregation%2C+Cube%2C+Grouping+and+Rollup>.