Reference manual

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1.4.1 by David Woodson, 11 days ago

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Authors: Subhrendu Gangopadhyay [aut] , Lindsay Bearup [aut] , David Woodson [aut, cre] , Marketa McGuire [aut] , Andrew Verdin [aut] , Eylon Shamir [aut] , Eve Halper [aut]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

CC0 license

Imports lubridate, msm, sm, dplyr, plyr, foreach, parallel, doParallel, stats, utils, magrittr

Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, tidyr, reshape2, ggpubr, data.table, moments, seas, padr, hydroGOF, SpecsVerification, ggridges

See at CRAN