Reference manual

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0.6.15 by Carl Boettiger, a month ago

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Authors: Carl Boettiger [cre, aut, cph] , Jeroen Ooms [aut] , Milad Memarzadeh [aut] , Hanna Kurniawati [ctb, cph] , David Hsu [ctb, cph] , Hanna Kurniawati [ctb, cph] , Wee Sun Lee [ctb, cph] , Yanzhu Du [ctb] , Xan Huang [ctb] , Trey Smith [ctb, cph] , Tony Cassandra [ctb, cph] , Lee Thomason [ctb, cph] , Carl Kindman [ctb, cph] , Le Trong Dao [ctb, cph] , Amit Jain [ctb, cph] , Rong Nan [ctb, cph] , Ulrich Drepper [ctb] , Free Software Foundation [cph] , Tyge Lovset [ctb, cph] , Yves Berquin [ctb, cph] , Benjamin Grüdelbach [ctb] , RSA Data Security , Inc. [cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-2 license

Imports xml2, parallel, processx, digest, Matrix

Suggests testthat, roxygen2, knitr, covr, spelling

Linking to BH

System requirements: mallinfo, hence Linux, MacOS or Windows

Suggested by pomdp.

See at CRAN