Reference manual

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2.0.0 by An-Chi Ho, 10 months ago

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Authors: BSC-CNS [aut, cph] , An-Chi Ho [aut, cre] , Nuria Perez-Zanon [aut] , Roberto Bilbao [ctb] , Josep Cos [ctb] , Carlos Delgado [ctb] , Llorenç Lledó [ctb] , Andrea Manrique [ctb] , Deborah Verfaillie [ctb] , Eva Rifà [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports abind, bigmemory, graphics, grDevices, maps, mapproj, methods, parallel, ClimProjDiags, stats, plyr, ncdf4, NbClust, multiApply, SpecsVerification, easyNCDF, easyVerification

Suggests testthat

System requirements: cdo

Imported by CSIndicators, CSTools, startR.

See at CRAN