Reference manual

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1.4-1 by Long Qu, 7 years ago

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Authors: Long Qu [aut, cre, ctb] , Kun Liang [ctb] , Yudi Pawitan [aut] (The author(s) of OCplus::tMixture , which was modified slightly leading to discTMix in this package.) , Alexander Ploner [aut] (The author(s) of OCplus::tMixture , which was modified slightly leading to discTMix in this package.) , Egil Ferkingstad [aut] (The author(s) of limma::convest , which was modified slightly leading to convest in this package.) , Mette Langaas [aut] (The author(s) of limma::convest , which was modified slightly leading to convest in this package.) , Marcus Davy [aut] (The author(s) of limma::convest , which was modified slightly leading to convest in this package.)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports Matrix, numDeriv, limSolve, scatterplot3d, qvalue, Iso, quadprog, kernlab, LowRankQP, graphics, grDevices, methods, stats

Suggests rgl, limma, OCplus, multtest

See at CRAN