Reference manual

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0.8.12 by Francois Michonneau, 6 months ago

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Authors: R Hackathon et al. (alphabetically: Ben Bolker , Marguerite Butler , Peter Cowan , Damien de Vienne , Dirk Eddelbuettel , Mark Holder , Thibaut Jombart , Steve Kembel , Francois Michonneau , David Orme , Brian O'Meara , Emmanuel Paradis , Jim Regetz , Derrick Zwickl)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports ade4, ape, Rcpp, rncl, grid, methods, stats, RNeXML

Suggests MASS, testthat, knitr, rmarkdown

Linking to Rcpp

Imported by DAISIEprep, PCPS, SigTree, adephylo, adiv, datelife, ddtlcm, nodeSub, phyext2, phyloTop, phylocanvas, phylosem, phylosignal.

Suggested by RAINBOWR, ecostats, phyloraster, rotl.

See at CRAN