Reference manual

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0.10.1 by Timothée Giraud, 3 months ago

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Authors: Timothée Giraud [cre, aut] , Hugues Pecout [ctb] , Logo) , Ronan Ysebaert [ctb] , Cheat sheet) , Ian Fellows [cph] (No overlap algorithm for labels , from wordcloud package) , Jim Lemon [cph] (Arc drawing algorithm for annotations , from plotrix package)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 3) license

Imports classInt, graphics, maplegend, s2, sf, stats, utils, grDevices

Suggests terra, png, jpeg, lwgeom, knitr, rmarkdown, tinytest, covr

Imported by IGoRRR, eks, nhdplusTools.

Depended on by btb.

Suggested by MTA, mapiso, osrm, potential.

See at CRAN