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1.0.7 by Simon Couch, a year ago,
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Authors: Andrew Bray [aut] , Chester Ismay [aut] , Evgeni Chasnovski [aut] , Simon Couch [aut, cre] , Ben Baumer [aut] , Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel [aut] , Ted Laderas [ctb] , Nick Solomon [ctb] , Johanna Hardin [ctb] , Albert Y. Kim [ctb] , Neal Fultz [ctb] , Doug Friedman [ctb] , Richie Cotton [ctb] , Brian Fannin [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports broom, cli, dplyr, generics, ggplot2, glue, grDevices, lifecycle, magrittr, methods, patchwork, purrr, rlang, tibble, tidyr, vctrs
Suggests covr, devtools, fs, knitr, nycflights13, parsnip, rmarkdown, stringr, testthat, vdiffr
Imported by moderndive, tidymodels, traumar.
Suggested by pdxTrees, public.ctn0094data.
See at CRAN