Reference manual

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3.0.4 by Ari Decter-Frain, a year ago

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Authors: Loren Collingwood [aut] , Ari Decter-Frain [aut, cre] , Hikari Murayama [aut] , Pratik Sachdeva [aut] , Juandalyn Burke [aut] , Scott Henderson [ctb] , Spencer Wood [ctb] , Matt Barreto [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports bayestestR, coda, data.table, doSNOW, dplyr, foreach, ggplot2, graphics, magrittr, mcmcse, methods, overlapping, purrr, rlang, sf, stringr, tidyr, tidyselect

Depends on eiPack, ei, wru

Suggests knitr, plyr, rmarkdown, reshape2, RColorBrewer, RJSONIO, testthat, tigris

See at CRAN