Reference manual

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2.2.4 by Rebecca Killick, 2 years ago

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Authors: Rebecca Killick [aut, cre] , Kaylea Haynes [aut] , Idris Eckley [ths] , Paul Fearnhead [ctb, ths] , Robin Long [ctb] , Jamie Lee [ctr]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL license

Depends on methods, stats, zoo

Suggests testthat, vdiffr

Imported by AEDForecasting, FlowScreen, OPTS, PCDimension, RtsEva, STOPES, StructuralDecompose, TrendSLR, crossvalidationCP, densitr, envoutliers, eventstream, ggchangepoint, goldfish, harbinger, msltrend, phenocamr, sssc, tip, trackeRapp, vanquish.

Depended on by EnvCpt, GENEAclassify, changepoint.geo, changepoint.influence,

Suggested by atime, binsegRcpp, cycleRtools, ecolottery, fastcpd, ggfortify, jointseg, lterdatasampler.

See at CRAN