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Authors: Francisco Jesús Palomares Alabarce [aut, cre] , José Manuel Benítez [ctb] , Isaac Triguero [ctb] , Christoph Bergmeir [ctb] , Mabel González [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 license
Imports stats, parsnip, plyr, dplyr, magrittr, purrr, rlang, proxy, methods, generics, utils, RANN, foreach, RSSL, conclust
Suggests caret, tidymodels, e1071, C50, kernlab, testthat, doParallel, tidyverse, factoextra, survival, covr, kknn, randomForest, ranger, MASS, nlme, knitr, rmarkdown
Linking to Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
See at CRAN