Reference manual

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1.1.1 by Chris Bielow, 7 months ago

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Authors: Chris Bielow [aut, cre] , Juliane Schmachtenberg [ctb] , Swenja Wagner [ctb] , Patricia Scheil [ctb] , Tom Waschischek [ctb] , Guido Mastrobuoni [dtc, rev]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE license

Imports data.table, ggplot2, ggdendro, grid, gridExtra, grDevices, gtable, htmlTable, knitr, magrittr, methods, plyr, R6, R6P, RColorBrewer, reshape2, rmarkdown, rmzqc, seqinr, stats, utils, UpSetR, xml2, yaml

Suggests testthat

System requirements: pandoc ( for building Vignettes and output reports as HTML

Imported by RKorAPClient.

See at CRAN