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5.2.0 by Victoria Agudetse, a year ago
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Authors: Nuria Perez-Zanon [aut] , Louis-Philippe Caron [aut] , Carmen Alvarez-Castro [aut] , Lauriane Batte [aut] , Carlos Delgado [aut] , Jost von Hardenberg [aut] , Llorenç LLedo [aut] , Nicolau Manubens [aut] , Lluís Palma [aut] , Eroteida Sanchez-Garcia [aut] , Bert van Schaeybroeck [aut] , Veronica Torralba [aut] , Deborah Verfaillie [aut] , Eva Rifà [ctb] , Filippo Cali Quaglia [ctb] , Maria M. Chaves-Montero [ctb] , Chihchung Chou [ctb] , Nicola Cortesi [ctb] , Susanna Corti [ctb] , Paolo Davini [ctb] , Gildas Dayon [ctb] , Marta Dominguez [ctb] , Federico Fabiano [ctb] , Ignazio Giuntoli [ctb] , Raul Marcos [ctb] , Paola Marson [ctb] , Niti Mishra [ctb] , Jesus Peña [ctb] , Francesc Roura-Adserias [ctb] , Silvia Terzago [ctb] , Danila Volpi [ctb] , An-Chi Ho [ctb] , Victoria Agudetse [cre] , BSC-CNS [cph]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 license
Imports s2dv, startR, rainfarmr, multiApply, ClimProjDiags, ncdf4, plyr, abind, data.table, reshape2, ggplot2, RColorBrewer, graphics, grDevices, stats, utils, verification, lubridate, scales, easyNCDF
Depends on maps, qmap, easyVerification
Suggests zeallot, testthat, knitr, markdown, rmarkdown
Imported by CSIndicators.
See at CRAN