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Estimate the Probability in the Upper Tail of the Aggregate Loss Distribution
Set of tools to estimate the probability in the upper tail of the aggregate loss distribution using different methods: Panjer recursion, Monte Carlo simulations, Markov bound, Cantelli bound, Moment bound, and Chernoff bound.
Latent Variable Models for Networks
Latent variable models for network data using fast inferential procedures. For more information please visit: <>.
A Vincent Van Gogh Color Palette Generator
Palettes generated from Vincent van Gogh's paintings.
Disaggregate Variable Costs
These functions were developed within SECFISH project (Strengthening regional cooperation in the area of fisheries data collection-Socio-economic data collection for fisheries, aquaculture and the processing industry at EU level). They are aimed at identifying correlations between costs and transversal variables by metier using individual vessel data and for disaggregating variable costs from fleet segment to metier level.
Indices for Single-Case Research
Parametric and nonparametric statistics for single-case design. Regarding nonparametric statistics, the index suggested by Parker, Vannest, Davis and Sauber (2011)
Collection of Machine Learning Datasets for Supervised Machine Learning
Contains a collection of datasets for working with machine learning tasks.
It will contain datasets for supervised machine learning Jiang (2020)
Allow Misspellings of Length Function
Convenient aliases for common ways of misspelling the base R function length(). These include every permutation of the final three letters.
Automated Moderated Nonlinear Factor Analysis Using 'M-plus'
Automated generation, running, and interpretation of moderated nonlinear factor analysis models for obtaining scores from observed variables, using the method described by Gottfredson and colleagues (2019)
Analysis of MEDITS-Like Survey Data
Set of functions working with survey data in the format of the MEDITS project <>. In this version, functions use TA, TB and TC tables respectively containing haul, catch and aggregated biological data.
Linear, Logistic and Generalized Linear Models Regressions for the EnvWAS/EWAS Approach
Tool for Environment-Wide Association Studies (EnvWAS / EWAS) which are repeated analysis. It includes three functions. One function for linear regression, a second for logistic regression and a last one for generalized linear models.