Examples: visualization, C++, networks, data cleaning, html widgets, ropensci.

Found 6536 packages in 0.11 seconds

rgnparser — by Joel H. Nitta, 4 months ago

Parse Scientific Names

Parse scientific names using 'gnparser' (< https://github.com/gnames/gnparser>), written in Go. 'gnparser' parses scientific names into their component parts; it utilizes a Parsing Expression Grammar specifically for scientific names.

dplyr — by Hadley Wickham, 5 months ago

A Grammar of Data Manipulation

A fast, consistent tool for working with data frame like objects, both in memory and out of memory.

nodbi — by Ralf Herold, a month ago

'NoSQL' Database Connector

Simplified document database access and manipulation, providing a common API across supported 'NoSQL' databases 'Elasticsearch', 'CouchDB', 'MongoDB' as well as 'SQLite/JSON1', 'PostgreSQL', and 'DuckDB'.

taxadb — by Carl Boettiger, a year ago

A High-Performance Local Taxonomic Database Interface

Creates a local database of many commonly used taxonomic authorities and provides functions that can quickly query this data.

traits — by Scott Chamberlain, 4 years ago

Species Trait Data from Around the Web

Species trait data from many different sources, including sequence data from 'NCBI' (< https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/>), plant trait data from 'BETYdb', data from 'EOL' 'Traitbank', 'Birdlife' International, and more.

rbison — by Scott Chamberlain, 4 years ago

Interface to the 'USGS' 'BISON' API

Interface to the 'USGS' 'BISON' (< https://bison.usgs.gov/>) API, a 'database' for species occurrence data. Data comes from species in the United States from participating data providers. You can get data via 'taxonomic' and location based queries. A simple function is provided to help visualize data.

pubchunks — by Scott Chamberlain, 4 years ago

Fetch Sections of XML Scholarly Articles

Get chunks of XML scholarly articles without having to know how to work with XML. Custom mappers for each publisher and for each article section pull out the information you want. Works with outputs from package 'fulltext', 'xml2' package documents, and file paths to XML documents.

solrium — by Scott Chamberlain, 3 years ago

General Purpose R Interface to 'Solr'

Provides a set of functions for querying and parsing data from 'Solr' (< https://solr.apache.org/>) 'endpoints' (local and remote), including search, 'faceting', 'highlighting', 'stats', and 'more like this'. In addition, some functionality is included for creating, deleting, and updating documents in a 'Solr' 'database'.

natserv — by Scott Chamberlain, 4 years ago

'NatureServe' Interface

Interface to 'NatureServe' (< https://www.natureserve.org/>). Includes methods to get data, image metadata, search taxonomic names, and make maps.

sofa — by Scott Chamberlain, 4 years ago

Connector to 'CouchDB'

Provides an interface to the 'NoSQL' database 'CouchDB' (< http://couchdb.apache.org>). Methods are provided for managing databases within 'CouchDB', including creating/deleting/updating/transferring, and managing documents within databases. One can connect with a local 'CouchDB' instance, or a remote 'CouchDB' databases such as 'Cloudant'. Documents can be inserted directly from vectors, lists, data.frames, and 'JSON'. Targeted at 'CouchDB' v2 or greater.