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Bayesian Spectral Analysis Models using Gaussian Process Priors
Contains functions to perform Bayesian inference using a spectral analysis of Gaussian process priors. Gaussian processes are represented with a Fourier series based on cosine basis functions. Currently the package includes parametric linear models, partial linear additive models with/without shape restrictions, generalized linear additive models with/without shape restrictions, and density estimation model. To maximize computational efficiency, the actual Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling for each model is done using codes written in FORTRAN 90. This software has been developed using funding supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (no. NRF-2016R1D1A1B03932178 and no. NRF-2017R1D1A3B03035235).
Functions for Hierarchical Bayesian Estimation: A Flexible Approach
Functions for estimating models using a Hierarchical Bayesian (HB) framework. The flexibility comes in allowing the user to specify the likelihood function directly instead of assuming predetermined model structures. Types of models that can be estimated with this code include the family of discrete choice models (Multinomial Logit, Mixed Logit, Nested Logit, Error Components Logit and Latent Class) as well ordered response models like ordered probit and ordered logit. In addition, the package allows for flexibility in specifying parameters as either fixed (non-varying across individuals) or random with continuous distributions. Parameter distributions supported include normal, positive/negative log-normal, positive/negative censored normal, and the Johnson SB distribution. Kenneth Train's Matlab and Gauss code for doing Hierarchical Bayesian estimation has served as the basis for a few of the functions included in this package. These Matlab/Gauss functions have been rewritten to be optimized within R. Considerable code has been added to increase the flexibility and usability of the code base. Train's original Gauss and Matlab code can be found here: <> See Train's chapter on HB in Discrete Choice with Simulation here: <>; and his paper on using HB with non-normal distributions here: <>. The authors would also like to thank the invaluable contributions of Stephane Hess and the Choice Modelling Centre: <>.
Bayesian Augmented Control for Clinical Trials
Implements the Bayesian Augmented Control (BAC, a.k.a. Bayesian historical data borrowing) method under clinical trial setting by calling 'Just Another Gibbs Sampler' ('JAGS') software. In addition, the 'BACCT' package evaluates user-specified decision rules by computing the type-I error/power, or probability of correct go/no-go decision at interim look. The evaluation can be presented numerically or graphically. Users need to have 'JAGS' 4.0.0 or newer installed due to a compatibility issue with 'rjags' package. Currently, the package implements the BAC method for binary outcome only. Support for continuous and survival endpoints will be added in future releases. We would like to thank AbbVie's Statistical Innovation group and Clinical Statistics group for their support in developing the 'BACCT' package.
Bayesian Exponential Smoothing Models with Trend Modifications
An implementation of a number of Global Trend models for time series forecasting that are Bayesian generalizations and extensions of some Exponential Smoothing models. The main differences/additions include 1) nonlinear global trend, 2) Student-t error distribution, and 3) a function for the error size, so heteroscedasticity. The methods are particularly useful for short time series. When tested on the well-known M3 dataset, they are able to outperform all classical time series algorithms. The models are fitted with MCMC using the 'rstan' package.
Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape
Functions for fitting the Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape introduced by Rigby and Stasinopoulos (2005),
Spatial Implementation of Bayesian Networks and Mapping
Allows spatial implementation of Bayesian networks and mapping in geographical space. It makes maps of expected value (or most likely state) given known and unknown conditions, maps of uncertainty measured as coefficient of variation or Shannon index (entropy), maps of probability associated to any states of any node of the network. Some additional features are provided as well: parallel processing options, data discretization routines and function wrappers designed for users with minimal knowledge of the R language. Outputs can be exported to any common GIS format.
Additive Partitions of Integers
Additive partitions of integers. Enumerates the partitions, unequal partitions, and restricted partitions of an integer; the three corresponding partition functions are also given. Set partitions and now compositions and riffle shuffles are included.
Bayesian Inference with Laplace Approximations and P-Splines
Laplace approximations and penalized B-splines are combined
for fast Bayesian inference in latent Gaussian models. The routines can be
used to fit survival models, especially proportional hazards and promotion
time cure models (Gressani, O. and Lambert, P. (2018)
Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Averaging using Bayesian Adaptive Sampling
Package for Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Averaging
in linear models and generalized linear models using stochastic or
deterministic sampling without replacement from posterior
distributions. Prior distributions on coefficients are
from Zellner's g-prior or mixtures of g-priors
corresponding to the Zellner-Siow Cauchy Priors or the
mixture of g-priors from Liang et al (2008)
Bayesian Monotonic Regression Using a Marked Point Process Construction
An extended version of the nonparametric Bayesian monotonic regression procedure described in Saarela & Arjas (2011)