Found 119 packages in 0.03 seconds
HTTP and WebSocket Server Library
Provides low-level socket and protocol support for handling HTTP and WebSocket requests directly from within R. It is primarily intended as a building block for other packages, rather than making it particularly easy to create complete web applications using httpuv alone. httpuv is built on top of the libuv and http-parser C libraries, both of which were developed by Joyent, Inc. (See LICENSE file for libuv and http-parser license information.)
Utilities for Graphical Rendering and Fonts Management
Tools are provided to compute metrics of formatted strings and to check the availability of a font. Another set of functions is provided to support the collection of fonts from 'Google Fonts' in a cache. Their use is simple within 'R Markdown' documents and 'shiny' applications but also with graphic productions generated with the 'ggiraph', 'ragg' and 'svglite' packages or with tabular productions from the 'flextable' package.
Query 'R' Versions, Including 'r-release' and 'r-oldrel'
Query the main 'R' 'SVN' repository to find the versions 'r-release' and 'r-oldrel' refer to, and also all previous 'R' versions and their release dates.
Server-Side Syntax Highlighting
Prism <> is a lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind. This package provides server-side rendering in R using 'V8' such that no JavaScript library is required in the resulting HTML documents. Over 400 languages are supported.
R Bindings for 'ZeroMQ'
Interface to the 'ZeroMQ' lightweight messaging kernel (see <> for more information).
Minimal Examples of Using Rust Code in R
Template R package with minimal setup to use Rust code in R without hacks or frameworks. Includes basic examples of importing cargo dependencies, spawning threads and passing numbers or strings from Rust to R. Cargo crates are automatically 'vendored' in the R source package to support offline installation. The GitHub repository for this package has more details and also explains how to set up CI. This project was first presented at 'Erum2018' to showcase R-Rust integration <>; for a real world use-case, see the 'gifski' package on 'CRAN'.
Read and Play Digital Music (MIDI)
Bindings to 'libfluidsynth' to parse and synthesize MIDI files. It can read MIDI into a data frame, play it on the local audio device, or convert into an audio file.
Fast Polygon to Raster Conversion
Provides a drop-in replacement for rasterize() from the 'raster'
package that takes polygon vector or data frame objects, and is much faster.
There is support for the main options provided by the rasterize() function,
including setting the field used and background value, and options for
aggregating multi-layer rasters. Uses the scan line algorithm attributed to
Wylie et al. (1967)
Easily Send HTML Email Messages
Compose and send out responsive HTML email messages that render perfectly across a range of email clients and device sizes. Helper functions let the user insert embedded images, web link buttons, and 'ggplot2' plot objects into the message body. Messages can be sent through an 'SMTP' server, through the 'RStudio Connect' service, or through the 'Mailgun' API service <>.
Parse Argument Options
A binding to the minimist JavaScript library. This module implements the guts of optimist's argument parser without all the fanciful decoration.