Found 417 packages in 0.02 seconds
Functions for Tabular Reporting
Use a grammar for creating and customizing pretty tables. The following formats are supported: 'HTML', 'PDF', 'RTF', 'Microsoft Word', 'Microsoft PowerPoint' and R 'Grid Graphics'. 'R Markdown', 'Quarto' and the package 'officer' can be used to produce the result files. The syntax is the same for the user regardless of the type of output to be produced. A set of functions allows the creation, definition of cell arrangement, addition of headers or footers, formatting and definition of cell content with text and or images. The package also offers a set of high-level functions that allow tabular reporting of statistical models and the creation of complex cross tabulations.
Paginate the HTML Output of R Markdown with CSS for Print
Use the paged media properties in CSS and the JavaScript library 'paged.js' to split the content of an HTML document into discrete pages. Each page can have its page size, page numbers, margin boxes, and running headers, etc. Applications of this package include books, letters, reports, papers, business cards, resumes, and posters.
A Time Input Widget for Shiny
Provides a time input widget for Shiny. This widget allows intuitive time input in the '[hh]:[mm]:[ss]' or '[hh]:[mm]' (24H) format by using a separate numeric input for each time component. The interface with R uses date-time objects. See the project page for more information and examples.
Simple and Configurable Tables in 'HTML', 'LaTeX', 'Markdown', 'Word', 'PNG', 'PDF', and 'Typst' Formats
Create highly customized tables with this simple and dependency-free package. Data frames can be converted to 'HTML', 'LaTeX', 'Markdown', 'Word', 'PNG', 'PDF', or 'Typst' tables. The user interface is minimalist and easy to learn. The syntax is concise. 'HTML' tables can be customized using the flexible 'Bootstrap' framework, and 'LaTeX' code with the 'tabularray' package.
Tidy Up and Test XPath Queries on HTML and XML Content
HTML documents can be beautiful and pristine. They can also be wretched, evil, malformed demon-spawn. Now, you can tidy up that HTML and XHTML before processing it with your favorite angle-bracket crunching tools, going beyond the limited tidying that 'libxml2' affords in the 'XML' and 'xml2' packages and taming even the ugliest HTML code generated by the likes of Google Docs and Microsoft Word. It's also possible to use the functions provided to format or "pretty print" HTML content as it is being tidied. Utilities are also included that make it possible to view formatted and "pretty printed" HTML/XML content from HTML/XML document objects, nodes, node sets and plain character HTML/XML using 'vkbeautify' (by Vadim Kiryukhin) and 'highlight.js' (by Ivan Sagalaev). Also (optionally) enables filtering of nodes via XPath or viewing an HTML/XML document in "tree" view using 'XMLDisplay' (by Lev Muchnik). See <> and <> for more information about 'vkbeautify' and 'XMLDisplay', respectively.
Create 'Formattable' Data Structures
Provides functions to create formattable vectors and data frames. 'Formattable' vectors are printed with text formatting, and formattable data frames are printed with multiple types of formatting in HTML to improve the readability of data presented in tabular form rendered in web pages.
Drag-and-Drop in 'shiny' Apps with 'SortableJS'
Enables drag-and-drop behaviour in Shiny apps, by exposing the functionality of the 'SortableJS' <> JavaScript library as an 'htmlwidget'. You can use this in Shiny apps and widgets, 'learnr' tutorials as well as R Markdown. In addition, provides a custom 'learnr' question type - 'question_rank()' - that allows ranking questions with drag-and-drop.
A Simple HTTP Server to Serve Static Files or Dynamic Documents
Start an HTTP server in R to serve static files, or dynamic documents that can be converted to HTML files (e.g., R Markdown) under a given directory.
Rendering Math to HTML, 'MathML', or R-Documentation Format
Convert latex math expressions to HTML and 'MathML' for use in markdown documents or package manual pages. The rendering is done in R using the V8 engine (i.e. server-side), which eliminates the need for embedding the 'MathJax' library into your web pages. In addition a 'math-to-rd' wrapper is provided to automatically render beautiful math in R documentation files.
Set of Installed Fonts
Provides a set of fonts with permissive licences. This is useful when you want to avoid system fonts to make sure your outputs are reproducible.