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Simulate from ODE-Based Models
Fast simulation from ordinary differential equation (ODE) based models typically employed in quantitative pharmacology and systems biology.
Statistical Inference on Lineup Fairness
Since the early 1970s eyewitness testimony researchers have recognised the importance of estimating properties such as lineup bias (is the lineup biased against the suspect, leading to a rate of choosing higher than one would expect by chance?), and lineup size (how many reasonable choices are in fact available to the witness? A lineup is supposed to consist of a suspect and a number of additional members, or foils, whom a poor-quality witness might mistake for the perpetrator). Lineup measures are descriptive, in the first instance, but since the earliest articles in the literature researchers have recognised the importance of reasoning inferentially about them. This package contains functions to compute various properties of laboratory or police lineups, and is intended for use by researchers in forensic psychology and/or eyewitness testimony research. Among others, the r4lineups package includes functions for calculating lineup proportion, functional size, various estimates of effective size, diagnosticity ratio, homogeneity of the diagnosticity ratio, ROC curves for confidence x accuracy data and the degree of similarity of faces in a lineup.
Easy Dockerfile Creation from R
Build a Dockerfile straight from your R session. 'dockerfiler' allows you to create step by step a Dockerfile, and provide convenient tools to wrap R code inside this Dockerfile.
Optimization via Subsampling (OPTS)
Subsampling based variable selection for low dimensional generalized linear models. The methods repeatedly subsample the data minimizing an information criterion (AIC/BIC) over a sequence of nested models for each subsample. Marinela Capanu, Mihai Giurcanu, Colin B Begg, Mithat Gonen, Subsampling based variable selection for generalized linear models.
String Diff, Match, and Patch Utilities
A wrapper for Google's 'diff-match-patch' library. It provides basic tools for computing diffs, finding fuzzy matches, and constructing / applying patches to strings.
'RStudio' Addins to Simplify 'Markdown' Writing
An 'RStudio' addin providing shortcuts for writing in 'Markdown'. This package provides a series of functions that allow the user to be more efficient when using 'Markdown'. For example, you can select a word, and put it in bold or in italics, or change the alignment of elements inside you Rmd. The idea is to map all the functionalities from 'remedy' on keyboard shortcuts, so that it provides an interface close to what you can find in any other text editor.
Selection Threshold Optimized Empirically via Splitting
Implements variable selection procedures for low to moderate size generalized linear regressions models. It includes the STOPES functions for linear regression (Capanu M, Giurcanu M, Begg C, Gonen M, Optimized variable selection via repeated data splitting, Statistics in Medicine, 2020, 19(6):2167-2184) as well as subsampling based optimization methods for generalized linear regression models (Marinela Capanu, Mihai Giurcanu, Colin B Begg, Mithat Gonen, Subsampling based variable selection for generalized linear models).
Tools for Managing Classes on GitHub
Interface for the GitHub API that enables efficient management of courses on GitHub. It has a functionality for managing organizations, teams, repositories, and users on GitHub and helps automate most of the tedious and repetitive tasks around creating and distributing assignments.
API Client and Dataset Management for the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) Data
Provides a client for (1) querying the DHS API for survey indicators and metadata (<>), (2) identifying surveys and datasets for analysis, (3) downloading survey datasets from the DHS website, (4) loading datasets and associate metadata into R, and (5) extracting variables and combining datasets for pooled analysis.
Interface to Geometry Engine - Open Source ('GEOS')
Interface to Geometry Engine - Open Source ('GEOS') using the C 'API' for topology operations on geometries. Please note that 'rgeos' will be retired during October 2023, plan transition to 'sf' or 'terra' functions using 'GEOS', or the 'geos' package, at your earliest convenience (see <> and earlier blogs for guidance). The 'GEOS' library is external to the package, and, when installing the package from source, must be correctly installed first. Windows and Mac Intel OS X binaries are provided on 'CRAN'. ('rgeos' >= 0.5-1): Up to and including 'GEOS' 3.7.1, topological operations succeeded with some invalid geometries for which the same operations fail from and including 'GEOS' 3.7.2. The 'checkValidity=' argument defaults and structure have been changed, from default FALSE to integer default '0L' for 'GEOS' < 3.7.2 (no check), '1L' 'GEOS' >= 3.7.2 (check and warn). A value of '2L' is also provided that may be used, assigned globally using 'set_RGEOS_CheckValidity(2L)', or locally using the 'checkValidity=2L' argument, to attempt zero-width buffer repair if invalid geometries are found. The previous default (FALSE, now '0L') is fastest and used for 'GEOS' < 3.7.2, but will not warn users of possible problems before the failure of topological operations that previously succeeded. From 'GEOS' 3.8.0, repair of geometries may also be attempted using 'gMakeValid()', which may, however, return a collection of geometries of different types.