Found 58 packages in 0.09 seconds
Tools for Analysis, Design, and Operation of Water Supply Storages
Measure single-storage water supply system performance using resilience, reliability, and vulnerability metrics; assess storage-yield-reliability relationships; determine no-fail storage with sequent peak analysis; optimize release decisions for water supply, hydropower, and multi-objective reservoirs using deterministic and stochastic dynamic programming; generate inflow replicates using parametric and non-parametric models; evaluate inflow persistence using the Hurst coefficient.
Pointcloud Interactive Computation for Forest Structure Analysis
Provides advanced algorithms for analyzing pointcloud data in
forestry applications. Key features include fast voxelization of
large datasets; segmentation of point clouds into forest floor,
understorey, canopy, and wood components. The package enables
efficient processing of large-scale forest pointcloud data, offering
insights into forest structure, connectivity, and fire risk
assessment. Algorithms to analyze pointcloud data (.xyz input file).
For more details, see Ferrara & Arrizza (2025) <>.
For single tree segmentation details, see Ferrara et al. (2018)
A Modification of Fleiss' Kappa in Case of Nominal and Ordinal Variables
The kappa statistic implemented by Fleiss is a very popular index for assessing the reliability of agreement among multiple observers. It is used both in the psychological and in the psychiatric field. Other fields of application are typically medicine, biology and engineering. Unfortunately,the kappa statistic may behave inconsistently in case of strong agreement between raters, since this index assumes lower values than it would have been expected. We propose a modification kappa implemented by Fleiss in case of nominal and ordinal variables. Monte Carlo simulations are used both to testing statistical hypotheses and to calculating percentile bootstrap confidence intervals based on proposed statistic in case of nominal and ordinal data.
Multivariate Model Based Inference for Domains
Allows users to produce estimates and MSE for multivariate variables using Linear Mixed Model. The package follows the approach of Datta, Day and Basawa (1999)
The GiViTI Calibration Test and Belt
Functions to assess the calibration of logistic regression models with the GiViTI (Gruppo Italiano per la Valutazione degli interventi in Terapia Intensiva, Italian Group for the Evaluation of the Interventions in Intensive Care Units - see <>) approach. The approach consists in a graphical tool, namely the GiViTI calibration belt, and in the associated statistical test. These tools can be used both to evaluate the internal calibration (i.e. the goodness of fit) and to assess the validity of an externally developed model.
Environmental Noise Pollution Data Analysis
Provides analyse, interpret and understand noise pollution data. Data are typically regular time series measured with sound meter. The package is partially described in Fogola, Grasso, Masera and Scordino (2023,
Cointegrated ICU Forecasting
Set of forecasting tools to predict ICU beds using a Vector Error Correction model with a single cointegrating vector. Method described in Berta, P. Lovaglio, P.G. Paruolo, P. Verzillo, S., 2020. "Real Time Forecasting of Covid-19 Intensive Care Units demand" Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers 20/16, HEDG, Department of Economics, University of York, <>.
Bootstrapping the ARDL Tests for Cointegration
The bootstrap ARDL tests for cointegration is the main functionality of this package. It also acts as a wrapper of the most commond ARDL testing procedures for cointegration: the bound tests of Pesaran, Shin and Smith (PSS; 2001 -
The Maraca Plot: Visualizing Hierarchical Composite Endpoints
Supports visual interpretation of hierarchical composite
endpoints (HCEs). HCEs are complex constructs used as primary endpoints in
clinical trials, combining outcomes of different types into ordinal endpoints,
in which each patient contributes the most clinically important event (one and
only one) to the analysis. See Karpefors M et al. (2022)
Carbon-Related Assessment of Silvicultural Concepts
A simulation model and accompanying functions that support assessing silvicultural concepts on the forest estate level with a focus on the CO2 uptake by wood growth and CO2 emissions by forest operations. For achieving this, a virtual forest estate area is split into the areas covered by typical phases of the silvicultural concept of interest. Given initial area shares of these phases, the dynamics of these areas is simulated. The typical carbon stocks and flows which are known for all phases are attributed post-hoc to the areas and upscaled to the estate level. CO2 emissions by forest operations are estimated based on the amounts and dimensions of the harvested timber. Probabilities of damage events are taken into account.