Found 82 packages in 0.02 seconds
Exploratory Data Analysis for the 'spatstat' Family
Functionality for exploratory data analysis and nonparametric analysis of spatial data, mainly spatial point patterns, in the 'spatstat' family of packages. (Excludes analysis of spatial data on a linear network, which is covered by the separate package 'spatstat.linnet'.) Methods include quadrat counts, K-functions and their simulation envelopes, nearest neighbour distance and empty space statistics, Fry plots, pair correlation function, kernel smoothed intensity, relative risk estimation with cross-validated bandwidth selection, mark correlation functions, segregation indices, mark dependence diagnostics, and kernel estimates of covariate effects. Formal hypothesis tests of random pattern (chi-squared, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Monte Carlo, Diggle-Cressie-Loosmore-Ford, Dao-Genton, two-stage Monte Carlo) and tests for covariate effects (Cox-Berman-Waller-Lawson, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, ANOVA) are also supported.
Forecasting Mortality, Fertility, Migration and Population Data
Functions for demographic analysis including lifetable calculations; Lee-Carter modelling; functional data analysis of mortality rates, fertility rates, net migration numbers; and stochastic population forecasting.
Functions to Fit Mixtures of Regressions
Fits mixtures of (possibly multivariate) regressions
(which has been described as doing ANCOVA when you don't
know the levels). Turner (2000)
Sparse Three-Dimensional Arrays and Linear Algebra Utilities
Defines sparse three-dimensional arrays and supports standard operations on them. The package also includes utility functions for matrix calculations that are common in statistics, such as quadratic forms.
Tools for Analysis, Design, and Operation of Water Supply Storages
Measure single-storage water supply system performance using resilience, reliability, and vulnerability metrics; assess storage-yield-reliability relationships; determine no-fail storage with sequent peak analysis; optimize release decisions for water supply, hydropower, and multi-objective reservoirs using deterministic and stochastic dynamic programming; generate inflow replicates using parametric and non-parametric models; evaluate inflow persistence using the Hurst coefficient.
Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-PM)
Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-PM), Tenenhaus, Esposito Vinzi, Chatelin, Lauro (2005)
Translate ICD-9 into Injury Severity Score
Calculate the injury severity score (ISS) based on the dictionary in 'ICDPIC' from <>. The original code was written in 'STATA 11'. The original 'STATA' code was written by David Clark, Turner Osler and David Hahn. I implement the same logic for easier access. Ref: David E. Clark & Turner M. Osler & David R. Hahn, 2009. "ICDPIC: Stata module to provide methods for translating International Classification of Diseases (Ninth Revision) diagnosis codes into standard injury categories and/or scores," Statistical Software Components S457028, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 29 Oct 2010.
Practical 'R' Packaging in 'Docker'
Streamline the creation of 'Docker' images with 'R' packages and dependencies embedded. The 'pracpac' package provides a 'usethis'-like interface to creating Dockerfiles with dependencies managed by 'renv'. The 'pracpac' functionality is described in Nagraj and Turner (2023)
'eXtra' / 'eXperimental' Functionality for Robust Statistics
Robustness -- 'eXperimental', 'eXtraneous', or 'eXtraordinary'
Functionality for Robust Statistics. Hence methods which are not well established,
often related to methods in package 'robustbase'. Amazingly, 'BACON()', originally by
Billor, Hadi, and Velleman (2000)
Hidden Markov Models with Discrete Non-Parametric Observation Distributions
Fits hidden Markov models with discrete non-parametric observation distributions to data sets. The observations may be univariate or bivariate. Simulates data from such models. Finds most probable underlying hidden states, the most probable sequences of such states, and the log likelihood of a collection of observations given the parameters of the model. Auxiliary predictors are accommodated in the univariate setting.