Examples: visualization, C++, networks, data cleaning, html widgets, ropensci.

Found 58 packages in 0.02 seconds

orcutt — by Stefano Spada, 6 years ago

Estimate Procedure in Case of First Order Autocorrelation

Solve first order autocorrelation problems using an iterative method. This procedure estimates both autocorrelation and beta coefficients recursively until we reach the convergence (8th decimal as default). The residuals are computed after estimating Beta using EGLS approach and Rho is estimated using the previous residuals.

FVDDPpkg — by Stefano Damato, 8 months ago

Implement Fleming-Viot-Dependent Dirichlet Processes

A Bayesian Nonparametric model for the study of time-evolving frequencies, which has become renowned in the study of population genetics. The model consists of a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) in which the latent signal is a distribution-valued stochastic process that takes the form of a finite mixture of Dirichlet Processes, indexed by vectors that count how many times each value is observed in the population. The package implements methodologies presented in Ascolani, Lijoi and Ruggiero (2021) and Ascolani, Lijoi and Ruggiero (2023) that make it possible to study the process at the time of data collection or to predict its evolution in future or in the past.

ttservice — by Stefano Mangiola, 9 months ago

A Service for Tidy Transcriptomics Software Suite

It provides generic methods that are used by more than one package, avoiding conflicts. This package will be imported by 'tidySingleCellExperiment' and 'tidyseurat'.

SpatialKWD — by Stefano Gualandi, 2 years ago

Spatial KWD for Large Spatial Maps

Contains efficient implementations of Discrete Optimal Transport algorithms for the computation of Kantorovich-Wasserstein distances between pairs of large spatial maps (Bassetti, Gualandi, Veneroni (2020), ). All the algorithms are based on an ad-hoc implementation of the Network Simplex algorithm. The package has four main helper functions: compareOneToOne() (to compare two spatial maps), compareOneToMany() (to compare a reference map with a list of other maps), compareAll() (to compute a matrix of distances between a list of maps), and focusArea() (to compute the KWD distance within a focus area). In non-convex maps, the helper functions first build the convex-hull of the input bins and pad the weights with zeros.

rticulate — by Stefano Coretta, 15 days ago

Articulatory Data Processing in R

A tool for processing Articulate Assistant Advanced™ (AAA) ultrasound tongue imaging data and Carstens AG500/1 electro-magnetic articulographic data.

tidygam — by Stefano Coretta, 3 months ago

Tidy Prediction and Plotting of Generalised Additive Models

Provides functions that compute predictions from Generalised Additive Models (GAMs) fitted with 'mgcv' and return them as a tibble. These can be plotted with a generic plot()-method that uses 'ggplot2' or plotted as any other data frame. The main function is predict_gam().

leaflet.extras — by Sebastian Gatscha, 7 months ago

Extra Functionality for 'leaflet' Package

The 'leaflet' JavaScript library provides many plugins some of which are available in the core 'leaflet' package, but there are many more. It is not possible to support them all in the core 'leaflet' package. This package serves as an add-on to the 'leaflet' package by providing extra functionality via 'leaflet' plugins.

tidyseurat — by Stefano Mangiola, a year ago

Brings Seurat to the Tidyverse

It creates an invisible layer that allow to see the 'Seurat' object as tibble and interact seamlessly with the tidyverse.

tidyHeatmap — by Stefano Mangiola, a month ago

A Tidy Implementation of Heatmap

This is a tidy implementation for heatmap. At the moment it is based on the (great) package 'ComplexHeatmap'. The goal of this package is to interface a tidy data frame with this powerful tool. Some of the advantages are: Row and/or columns colour annotations are easy to integrate just specifying one parameter (column names). Custom grouping of rows is easy to specify providing a grouped tbl. For example: df %>% group_by(...). Labels size adjusted by row and column total number. Default use of Brewer and Viridis palettes.

qVarSel — by Stefano Benati, 3 months ago

Select Variables for Optimal Clustering

Finding hidden clusters in structured data can be hindered by the presence of masking variables. If not detected, masking variables are used to calculate the overall similarities between units, and therefore the cluster attribution is more imprecise. The algorithm q-vars implements an optimization method to find the variables that most separate units between clusters. In this way, masking variables can be discarded from the data frame and the clustering is more accurate. Tests can be found in Benati et al.(2017) .