Found 162 packages in 0.06 seconds
Three-Dimensional Exploratory Projection Pursuit
Exploratory projection pursuit is a method to discovers
structure in multivariate data. At heart this package uses
a projection index to evaluate how interesting a specific
three-dimensional projection of multivariate data (with more
than three dimensions) is. Typically, the main structure
finding algorithm starts at a random projection and then
iteratively changes the projection direction to move to
a more interesting one. In other words, the projection index
is maximised over the projection direction to find the most
interesting projection. This maximum is, though, a local
maximum. So, this code has the ability to restart the
algorithm from many different starting positions automatically.
Routines exist to plot a density estimate of projection indices
over the runs, this enables the user to obtain an idea of
the distribution of the projection indices,
and, hence, which ones might be interesting. Individual
projection solutions, including those identified as interesting,
can be extracted and plotted individually. The package
can make use of the mclapply() function to execute multiple runs in
parallel to speed up index discovery. Projection pursuit is
similar to independent component analysis. This package
uses a projection index that maximises an entropy measure to
look for projections that exhibit non-normality, and operates
on sphered data. Hence, information from this package is
different from that obtained from principal components analysis,
but the rationale behind both methods is similar.
Nason, G. P. (1995)
Data Sonification - Turning Data into Sound
Sonification (or audification) is the process of representing data by sounds in the audible range. This package provides the R function sonify() that transforms univariate data, sampled at regular or irregular intervals, into a continuous sound with time-varying frequency. The ups and downs in frequency represent the ups and downs in the data. Sonify provides a substitute for R's plot function to simplify data analysis for the visually impaired.
Download and Import Open Street Map Data Extracts
Match, download, convert and import Open Street Map data extracts obtained from several providers.
Infrastructure for Running, Cycling and Swimming Data from GPS-Enabled Tracking Devices
Provides infrastructure for handling running, cycling and swimming data from GPS-enabled tracking devices within R. The package provides methods to extract, clean and organise workout and competition data into session-based and unit-aware data objects of class 'trackeRdata' (S3 class). The information can then be visualised, summarised, and analysed through flexible and extensible methods. Frick and Kosmidis (2017)
Robust Mixture Model
Algorithms for estimating robustly the parameters of a Gaussian, Student, or Laplace Mixture Model.
Bayesian Analysis of Computer Code Output (BACCO)
The BACCO bundle of packages is replaced by the BACCO package, which provides a vignette that illustrates the constituent packages (emulator, approximator, calibrator) in use.
The Davies Quantile Function
Various utilities for the Davies distribution.
Bayesian Prediction of Complex Computer Codes
Performs Bayesian prediction of complex computer codes when fast approximations are available. It uses a hierarchical version of the Gaussian process, originally proposed by Kennedy and O'Hagan (2000), Biometrika 87(1):1.
Continued Fractions
Various utilities for evaluating continued fractions.
Produces 'bubbleHeatmap' Plots for Visualising Metabolomics Data
Plotting package based on the grid system, combining elements of a bubble plot and heatmap to conveniently display two numerical variables, (represented by color and size) grouped by categorical variables on the x and y axes. This is a useful alternative to a forest plot when the data can be grouped in two dimensions, such as predictors x outcomes. It has particular advantages for visualising the metabolic measures produced by the 'Nightingale Health' metabolomics platform, and templates are included for automatically generating figures from these datasets.