Examples: visualization, C++, networks, data cleaning, html widgets, ropensci.

Found 29 packages in 0.05 seconds

Metrics — by Michael Frasco, 7 years ago

Evaluation Metrics for Machine Learning

An implementation of evaluation metrics in R that are commonly used in supervised machine learning. It implements metrics for regression, time series, binary classification, classification, and information retrieval problems. It has zero dependencies and a consistent, simple interface for all functions.

SuperLearner — by Eric Polley, a year ago

Super Learner Prediction

Implements the super learner prediction method and contains a library of prediction algorithms to be used in the super learner.

cvAUC — by Erin LeDell, 3 years ago

Cross-Validated Area Under the ROC Curve Confidence Intervals

Tools for working with and evaluating cross-validated area under the ROC curve (AUC) estimators. The primary functions of the package are ci.cvAUC and ci.pooled.cvAUC, which report cross-validated AUC and compute confidence intervals for cross-validated AUC estimates based on influence curves for i.i.d. and pooled repeated measures data, respectively. One benefit to using influence curve based confidence intervals is that they require much less computation time than bootstrapping methods. The utility functions, AUC and cvAUC, are simple wrappers for functions from the ROCR package.

subsemble — by Erin LeDell, 3 years ago

An Ensemble Method for Combining Subset-Specific Algorithm Fits

The Subsemble algorithm is a general subset ensemble prediction method, which can be used for small, moderate, or large datasets. Subsemble partitions the full dataset into subsets of observations, fits a specified underlying algorithm on each subset, and uses a unique form of k-fold cross-validation to output a prediction function that combines the subset-specific fits. An oracle result provides a theoretical performance guarantee for Subsemble. The paper, "Subsemble: An ensemble method for combining subset-specific algorithm fits" is authored by Stephanie Sapp, Mark J. van der Laan & John Canny (2014) .

h2o — by Tomas Fryda, a year ago

R Interface for the 'H2O' Scalable Machine Learning Platform

R interface for 'H2O', the scalable open source machine learning platform that offers parallelized implementations of many supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms such as Generalized Linear Models (GLM), Gradient Boosting Machines (including XGBoost), Random Forests, Deep Neural Networks (Deep Learning), Stacked Ensembles, Naive Bayes, Generalized Additive Models (GAM), ANOVA GLM, Cox Proportional Hazards, K-Means, PCA, ModelSelection, Word2Vec, as well as a fully automatic machine learning algorithm (H2O AutoML).

SSNbler — by Erin Peterson, 4 months ago

Assemble 'SSN' Objects

Import, create and assemble data needed to fit spatial-statistical stream-network models using the 'SSN2' package for 'R'. Streams, observations, and prediction locations are represented as simple features and specific tools provided to define topological relationships between features; calculate the hydrologic distances (with flow-direction preserved) and the spatial additive function used to weight converging stream segments; and export the topological, spatial, and attribute information to an `SSN` (spatial stream network) object, which can be efficiently stored, accessed and analysed in 'R'. A detailed description of methods used to calculate and format the spatial data can be found in Peterson, E.E. and Ver Hoef, J.M., (2014) .

h2o4gpu — by Navdeep Gill, 4 years ago

Interface to 'H2O4GPU'

Interface to 'H2O4GPU' < https://github.com/h2oai/h2o4gpu>, a collection of 'GPU' solvers for machine learning algorithms.

rsparkling — by Jakub Hava, 5 years ago

R Interface for H2O Sparkling Water

An extension package for 'sparklyr' that provides an R interface to H2O Sparkling Water machine learning library (see < https://github.com/h2oai/sparkling-water> for more information).

scaffolder — by Yuan Tang, 5 years ago

Scaffolding Interfaces to Packages in Other Programming Languages

Comprehensive set of tools for scaffolding R interfaces to modules, classes, functions, and documentations written in other programming languages, such as 'Python'.

catSurv — by Erin Rossiter, 2 years ago

Computerized Adaptive Testing for Survey Research

Provides methods of computerized adaptive testing for survey researchers. See Montgomery and Rossiter (2020) . Includes functionality for data fit with the classic item response methods including the latent trait model, Birnbaum`s three parameter model, the graded response, and the generalized partial credit model. Additionally, includes several ability parameter estimation and item selection routines. During item selection, all calculations are done in compiled C++ code.