Reference manual

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4.2.2 by Adam H. Sparks, 3 months ago

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Authors: Adam H. Sparks [aut, cre] , Scott Chamberlain [rev] , Scott Chamberlain reviewed nasapower for rOpenSci , see <>.) , Hazel Kavili [rev] (Hazel Kavili reviewed nasapower for rOpenSci , see <>.) , Alison Boyer [rev] (Alison Boyer reviewed nasapower for rOpenSci , see <>.) , Fernando Miguez [ctb] , Fernando Miguez provided assistance in identifying improper missing value handling in the POWER data , see <>.) , Maëlle Salmon [ctb] , Maëlle Salmon contributed a patch to fix issues with using the R package , 'vcr' , for testing the API queries , see <>.) , Phillip D. Alderman [ctb] , Phillip Alderman contributed a patch to fix an issue with , 'The `file` argument of `vroom()` must use `I()` for literal data as of vroom 1.5.0.' , see <>.) , Aleksandar Blagotić [ctb] (Author of the CRAN package 'rapportools' , from which the '.is_boolean()' was taken.) , Gergely Daróczi [ctb] (Author of the CRAN package 'rapportools' , from which the '.is_boolean()' was taken.) , Curtin University [cph] (Supported the development of 'nasapower' through Adam H. Sparks' time.)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports cli, crul, jsonlite, lubridate, readr, rlang, tibble

Suggests knitr, purrr, rmarkdown, spelling, testthat, vcr

Imported by EstimateBreed, PowerSDI, climatrends.

Suggested by ClimMobTools, apsimx, pacu.

See at CRAN