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4.2.2 by Adam H. Sparks, an hour ago

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Authors: Adam H. Sparks [aut, cre] , Scott Chamberlain [rev] , Scott Chamberlain reviewed nasapower for rOpenSci , see <>.) , Hazel Kavili [rev] (Hazel Kavili reviewed nasapower for rOpenSci , see <>.) , Alison Boyer [rev] (Alison Boyer reviewed nasapower for rOpenSci , see <>.) , Fernando Miguez [ctb] , Fernando Miguez provided assistance in identifying improper missing value handling in the POWER data , see <>.) , Maëlle Salmon [ctb] , Maëlle Salmon contributed a patch to fix issues with using the R package , 'vcr' , for testing the API queries , see <>.) , Phillip D. Alderman [ctb] , Phillip Alderman contributed a patch to fix an issue with , 'The `file` argument of `vroom()` must use `I()` for literal data as of vroom 1.5.0.' , see <>.) , Aleksandar Blagotić [ctb] (Author of the CRAN package 'rapportools' , from which the '.is_boolean()' was taken.) , Gergely Daróczi [ctb] (Author of the CRAN package 'rapportools' , from which the '.is_boolean()' was taken.) , Curtin University [cph] (Supported the development of 'nasapower' through Adam H. Sparks' time.)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports cli, crul, jsonlite, lubridate, readr, rlang, tibble

Suggests knitr, purrr, rmarkdown, spelling, testthat, vcr

Imported by PowerSDI, climatrends.

Suggested by ClimMobTools, apsimx, pacu.

See at CRAN