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2.2 by Maximilian H.K. Hesselbarth, a month ago
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Authors: Maximilian H.K. Hesselbarth [aut, cre] , Marco Sciaini [aut] , Jakub Nowosad [aut] , Sebastian Hanss [aut] , Laura J. Graham [ctb] (Input on package structure) , Jeffrey Hollister [ctb] (Input on package structure) , Kimberly A. With [ctb] (Input on package structure) , Florian Privé [ctb] (Original author of underlying C++ code for get_nearestneighbour() function) , Project Nayuki [ctb] (Original author of underlying C++ code for get_circumscribingcircle and lsm_p_circle) , Matt Strimas-Mackey [ctb] (Bugfix in sample_metrics())
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 license
Imports cli, ggplot2, methods, Rcpp, stats, terra, tibble
Suggests covr, dplyr, knitr, raster, rmarkdown, sf, sp, stars, stringr, testthat, tidyr
Linking to Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
Imported by ShapePattern, bespatial, ecochange.
Suggested by mapme.biodiversity, restoptr, rflsgen.
See at CRAN