Hunyong Cho [aut, cre]
Nicholas P Jewell [aut]
Michael R Kosorok [aut]
Leo Breiman [ctb] (Author of incldued randomForest C code)
Adele Cutler [ctb] (Author of included randomForest Fortran code)
Andy Liaw [ctb] (Author of included randomForest R code)
Matthew Wiener [ctb] (Author of included randomForest R code)
Alain Vandal Robert Gentleman [ctb] (Author of included Icens R code)
Merck & Co. Inc. [cph] (Copyright holder of included randomForest R
Alain Vandal Robert Gentleman [cph] (Copyright holder of included Icens
R code)
The R Foundation [cph] (Copyright holder of included ksmooth C code)