Reference manual

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2.3.2 by Erik Sverdrup, 5 months ago

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Authors: Julie Tibshirani [aut] , Susan Athey [aut] , Rina Friedberg [ctb] , Vitor Hadad [ctb] , David Hirshberg [ctb] , Luke Miner [ctb] , Erik Sverdrup [aut, cre] , Stefan Wager [aut] , Marvin Wright [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports DiceKriging, lmtest, Matrix, methods, Rcpp, sandwich

Suggests DiagrammeR, MASS, rdd, survival, testthat

Linking to Rcpp, RcppEigen

System requirements: GNU make

Imported by EpiForsk, aggTrees, causalweight, evalITR, htetree, longsurr, policytree, qeML.

Suggested by CRE, maq, targeted.

See at CRAN