Examples: visualization, C++, networks, data cleaning, html widgets, ropensci.

Found 455 packages in 0.01 seconds

LOGAN — by Waldir Leoncio, 2 years ago

Log File Analysis in International Large-Scale Assessments

Enables users to handle the dataset cleaning for conducting specific analyses with the log files from two international educational assessments: the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA, < https://www.oecd.org/pisa/>) and the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC, < https://www.oecd.org/skills/piaac/>). An illustration of the analyses can be found on the LOGAN Shiny app (< https://loganpackage.shinyapps.io/shiny/>) on your browser.

pingers — by Jesse Vent, 6 years ago

Identify, Ping, and Log Internet Provider Connection Data

To assist you with troubleshooting internet connection issues and assist in isolating packet loss on your network. It does this by allowing you to retrieve the top trace route destinations your internet provider uses, and recursively ping each server in series while capturing the results and writing them to a log file. Each iteration it queries the destinations again, before shuffling the sequence of destinations to ensure the analysis is unbiased and consistent across each trace route.

WhatsR — by Julian Kohne, 8 months ago

Parsing, Anonymizing and Visualizing Exported 'WhatsApp' Chat Logs

Imports 'WhatsApp' chat logs and parses them into a usable dataframe object. The parser works on chats exported from Android or iOS phones and on Linux, macOS and Windows. The parser has multiple options for extracting smileys and emojis from the messages, extracting URLs and domains from the messages, extracting names and types of sent media files from the messages, extracting timestamps from messages, extracting and anonymizing author names from messages. Can be used to create anonymized versions of data.

eMLEloglin — by Matthew Friedlander, 8 years ago

Fitting log-Linear Models in Sparse Contingency Tables

Log-linear modeling is a popular method for the analysis of contingency table data. When the table is sparse, the data can fall on the boundary of the convex support, and we say that "the MLE does not exist" in the sense that some parameters cannot be estimated. However, an extended MLE always exists, and a subset of the original parameters will be estimable. The 'eMLEloglin' package determines which sampling zeros contribute to the non-existence of the MLE. These problematic zero cells can be removed from the contingency table and the model can then be fit (as far as is possible) using the glm() function.

pleLMA — by Carolyn J. Anderson, 3 years ago

Pseudo-Likelihood Estimation of Log-Multiplicative Association Models

Log-multiplicative association models (LMA) are models for cross-classifications of categorical variables where interactions are represented by products of category scale values and an association parameter. Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) fails for moderate to large numbers of categorical variables. The 'pleLMA' package overcomes this limitation of MLE by using pseudo-likelihood estimation to fit the models to small or large cross-classifications dichotomous or multi-category variables. Originally proposed by Besag (1974, ), pseudo-likelihood estimation takes large complex models and breaks it down into smaller ones. Rather than maximizing the likelihood of the joint distribution of all the variables, a pseudo-likelihood function, which is the product likelihoods from conditional distributions, is maximized. LMA models can be derived from a number of different frameworks including (but not limited to) graphical models and uni-dimensional and multi-dimensional item response theory models. More details about the models and estimation can be found in the vignette.

BTYD — by Gabi Huiber, 3 years ago

Implementing BTYD Models with the Log Sum Exp Patch

Functions for data preparation, parameter estimation, scoring, and plotting for the BG/BB (Fader, Hardie, and Shang 2010 ), BG/NBD (Fader, Hardie, and Lee 2005 ) and Pareto/NBD and Gamma/Gamma (Fader, Hardie, and Lee 2005 ) models.

confreq — by Joerg-Henrik Heine, 2 years ago

Configural Frequencies Analysis Using Log-Linear Modeling

Offers several functions for Configural Frequencies Analysis (CFA), which is a useful statistical tool for the analysis of multiway contingency tables. CFA was introduced by G. A. Lienert as 'Konfigurations Frequenz Analyse - KFA'. Lienert, G. A. (1971). Die Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse: I. Ein neuer Weg zu Typen und Syndromen. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 19(2), 99–115.

fisheye — by Timothée Giraud, 9 months ago

Transform Base Maps Using Log-Azimuthal Projection

Base maps are transformed to focus on a specific location using an azimuthal logarithmic distance transformation.

photobiologyInOut — by Pedro J. Aphalo, 4 days ago

Read Spectral and Logged Data from Foreign Files

Functions for reading, and in some cases writing, foreign files containing spectral data from spectrometers and their associated software, output from daylight simulation models in common use, and some spectral data repositories. As well as functions for exchange of spectral data with other R packages. Part of the 'r4photobiology' suite, Aphalo P. J. (2015) .

angstromATE — by Thomas Gredig, 2 months ago

Imports Log Files from Angstrom Engineering Thermal Evaporator

Opens and imports log files from Angstrom Engineering Thermal Evaporator and extracts basic characteristics, such as base pressure, time of the evaporation. It can visualize the deposition observables for review.