Examples: visualization, C++, networks, data cleaning, html widgets, ropensci.

Found 121 packages in 0.05 seconds

RCBR — by Roger Koenker, a year ago

Random Coefficient Binary Response Estimation

Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation methods for random coefficient binary response models and some related functionality for sequential processing of hyperplane arrangements. See J. Gu and R. Koenker (2020) .

tsModel — by Roger D. Peng, 8 months ago

Time Series Modeling for Air Pollution and Health

Tools for specifying time series regression models.

simpleboot — by Roger D. Peng, 8 months ago

Simple Bootstrap Routines

Simple bootstrap routines.

meta — by Guido Schwarzer, a month ago

General Package for Meta-Analysis

User-friendly general package providing standard methods for meta-analysis and supporting Schwarzer, Carpenter, and Rücker , "Meta-Analysis with R" (2015): - common effect and random effects meta-analysis; - several plots (forest, funnel, Galbraith / radial, L'Abbe, Baujat, bubble); - three-level meta-analysis model; - generalised linear mixed model; - logistic regression with penalised likelihood for rare events; - Hartung-Knapp method for random effects model; - Kenward-Roger method for random effects model; - prediction interval; - statistical tests for funnel plot asymmetry; - trim-and-fill method to evaluate bias in meta-analysis; - meta-regression; - cumulative meta-analysis and leave-one-out meta-analysis; - import data from 'RevMan 5'; - produce forest plot summarising several (subgroup) meta-analyses.

glmx — by Achim Zeileis, 6 months ago

Generalized Linear Models Extended

Extended techniques for generalized linear models (GLMs), especially for binary responses, including parametric links and heteroscedastic latent variables.

NNTbiomarker — by Roger Day, 10 years ago

Calculate Design Parameters for Biomarker Validation Studies

Helps a clinical trial team discuss the clinical goals of a well-defined biomarker with a diagnostic, staging, prognostic, or predictive purpose. From this discussion will come a statistical plan for a (non-randomized) validation trial. Both prospective and retrospective trials are supported. In a specific focused discussion, investigators should determine the range of "discomfort" for the NNT, number needed to treat. The meaning of the discomfort range, [NNTlower, NNTupper], is that within this range most physicians would feel discomfort either in treating or withholding treatment. A pair of NNT values bracketing that range, NNTpos and NNTneg, become the targets of the study's design. If the trial can demonstrate that a positive biomarker test yields an NNT less than NNTlower, and that a negative biomarker test yields an NNT less than NNTlower, then the biomarker may be useful for patients. A highlight of the package is visualization of a "contra-Bayes" theorem, which produces criteria for retrospective case-controls studies.

afex — by Henrik Singmann, 6 months ago

Analysis of Factorial Experiments

Convenience functions for analyzing factorial experiments using ANOVA or mixed models. aov_ez(), aov_car(), and aov_4() allow specification of between, within (i.e., repeated-measures), or mixed (i.e., split-plot) ANOVAs for data in long format (i.e., one observation per row), automatically aggregating multiple observations per individual and cell of the design. mixed() fits mixed models using lme4::lmer() and computes p-values for all fixed effects using either Kenward-Roger or Satterthwaite approximation for degrees of freedom (LMM only), parametric bootstrap (LMMs and GLMMs), or likelihood ratio tests (LMMs and GLMMs). afex_plot() provides a high-level interface for interaction or one-way plots using ggplot2, combining raw data and model estimates. afex uses type 3 sums of squares as default (imitating commercial statistical software).

regplot — by Roger Marshall, 5 years ago

Enhanced Regression Nomogram Plot

A function to plot a regression nomogram of regression objects. Covariate distributions are superimposed on nomogram scales and the plot can be animated to allow on-the-fly changes to distribution representation and to enable outcome calculation.

weathermetrics — by Brooke Anderson, 9 years ago

Functions to Convert Between Weather Metrics

Functions to convert between weather metrics, including conversions for metrics of temperature, air moisture, wind speed, and precipitation. This package also includes functions to calculate the heat index from air temperature and air moisture.

fscache — by Pierrick Roger, 9 months ago

File System Cache

Manages a file system cache. Regular files can be moved or copied to the cache folder. Sub-folders can be created in order to organize the files. Files can be located inside the cache using a glob function. Text contents can be easily stored in and retrieved from the cache using dedicated functions. It can be used for an application or a package, as a global cache, or as a per-user cache, in which case the standard OS user cache folder will be used (e.g.: on Linux $HOME/.cache/R/my_app_or_pkg_cache_folder).