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TeX-to-HTML/MathML Translators TtH/TtM
C source code and R wrappers for the tth/ttm TeX-to-HTML/MathML translators.
Colors for all
Color palettes for all people, including those with color vision deficiency. Popular color palette series have been organized by type and have been scored on several properties such as color-blind-friendliness and fairness (i.e. do colors stand out equally?). Own palettes can also be loaded and analysed. Besides the common palette types (categorical, sequential, and diverging) it also includes cyclic and bivariate color palettes. Furthermore, a color for missing values is assigned to each palette.
Stability Assessment of Statistical Learning Methods
Graphical and computational methods that can be used to assess the stability of results from supervised statistical learning.
Stratified and Personalised Models Based on Model-Based Trees and Forests
Model-based trees for subgroup analyses in clinical trials and
model-based forests for the estimation and prediction of personalised
treatment effects (personalised models). Currently partitioning of linear
models, lm(), generalised linear models, glm(), and Weibull models,
survreg(), is supported. Advanced plotting functionality is supported for
the trees and a test for parameter heterogeneity is provided for the
personalised models. For details on model-based trees for subgroup analyses
see Seibold, Zeileis and Hothorn (2016)
Embedding 'exams' Exercises as Forms in 'rmarkdown' or 'quarto' Documents
Automatic generation of quizzes or individual questions as (interactive) forms within 'rmarkdown' or 'quarto' documents based on 'R/exams' exercises.
Probability Distributions as S3 Objects
Tools to create and manipulate probability distributions using S3. Generics pdf(), cdf(), quantile(), and random() provide replacements for base R's d/p/q/r style functions. Functions and arguments have been named carefully to minimize confusion for students in intro stats courses. The documentation for each distribution contains detailed mathematical notes.
Estimate Structured Additive Regression Models with 'BayesX'
An R interface to estimate structured additive regression (STAR) models with 'BayesX'.
Recursive Partitioning of Network Models
Network trees recursively partition the data with respect to covariates. Two network tree algorithms are available: model-based trees based on a multivariate normal model and nonparametric trees based on covariance structures. After partitioning, correlation-based networks (psychometric networks) can be fit on the partitioned data. For details see Jones, Mair, Simon, & Zeileis (2020)
Partially Additive (Generalized) Linear Model Trees
This is an implementation of model-based trees with global model
parameters (PALM trees). The PALM tree algorithm is an extension to the MOB
algorithm (implemented in the 'partykit' package), where some parameters are
fixed across all groups. Details about the method can be found in Seibold,
Hothorn, Zeileis (2016)
Conditional Method Agreement Trees (COAT)
Agreement of continuously scaled measurements made by two techniques, devices or methods is usually
evaluated by the well-established Bland-Altman analysis or plot. Conditional method agreement trees (COAT),
proposed by Karapetyan, Zeileis, Henriksen, and Hapfelmeier (2023)