Found 41 packages in 0.42 seconds
Learning Bayesian Networks with Mixed Variables
Bayesian networks with continuous and/or discrete
variables can be learned and compared from data. The method is described in Boettcher and Dethlefsen (2003),
Borenstein Analysis
An implementation of the analysis about seed components from Borenstein 2008.
Component-Wise MOEA/D Implementation
Modular implementation of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms
based on Decomposition (MOEA/D) [Zhang and Li (2007),
Create Visualisations for BART Models
Investigating and visualising Bayesian Additive Regression Tree (BART) (Chipman, H. A., George, E. I., & McCulloch, R. E. 2010)
Calculates the Bidimensional Regression Between Two 2D Configurations
Calculates the bidimensional regression between two 2D configurations following the approach by Tobler (1965).
Bayesian Statistics for 2D/3D Transformations
Fits 2D and 3D geometric transformations via 'Stan' probabilistic programming engine (
Stan Development Team (2021) <>). Returns posterior distribution for individual
parameters of the fitted distribution. Allows for computation of LOO and WAIC information criteria
(Vehtari A, Gelman A, Gabry J (2017)
Create Scatter Plots with Marginal Density or Box Plots
Allows you to make clean, good-looking scatter plots with the option to easily add marginal density or box plots on the axes. It is also available as a module for 'jamovi' (see <> for more information). 'Scatr' is based on the 'cowplot' package by Claus O. Wilke and the 'ggplot2' package by Hadley Wickham.
HMMs with Ordered Hidden States and Emission Densities
Inference using a class of Hidden Markov models
(HMMs) called 'oHMMed'(ordered HMM with emission densities
Tools for Causal Discovery on Observational Data
Various tools for inferring causal models from observational data. The package
includes an implementation of the temporal Peter-Clark (TPC) algorithm. Petersen, Osler
and Ekstrøm (2021)
Decision Tree Analysis for Probabilistic Subgroup Identification with Multiple Treatments
In the situation when multiple alternative treatments or interventions available, different population groups may respond differently to different treatments. This package implements a method that discovers the population subgroups in which a certain treatment has a better effect than the other alternative treatments. This is done by first estimating the treatment effect for a given treatment and its uncertainty by computing random forests, and the resulting model is summarized by a decision tree in which the probabilities that the given treatment is best for a given subgroup is shown in the corresponding terminal node of the tree.