Examples: visualization, C++, networks, data cleaning, html widgets, ropensci.

Found 31 packages in 0.01 seconds

OralOpioids — by Ankona Banerjee, a month ago

Retrieving Oral Opioid Information

Provides details such as Morphine Equivalent Dose (MED), brand name and opioid content which are calculated of all oral opioids authorized for sale by Health Canada and the FDA based on their Drug Identification Number (DIN) or National Drug Code (NDC). MEDs are calculated based on recommendations by Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) and Von Korff et al (2008) and information obtained from Health Canada's Drug Product Database's monthly data dump or FDA Daily database for Canadian and US databases respectively. Please note in no way should output from this package be a substitute for medical advise. All medications should only be consumed on prescription from a licensed healthcare provider.

data.table — by Tyson Barrett, 2 months ago

Extension of `data.frame`

Fast aggregation of large data (e.g. 100GB in RAM), fast ordered joins, fast add/modify/delete of columns by group using no copies at all, list columns, friendly and fast character-separated-value read/write. Offers a natural and flexible syntax, for faster development.

fansi — by Brodie Gaslam, a year ago

ANSI Control Sequence Aware String Functions

Counterparts to R string manipulation functions that account for the effects of ANSI text formatting control sequences.

polyclip — by Adrian Baddeley, 7 months ago

Polygon Clipping

R port of Angus Johnson's open source library 'Clipper'. Performs polygon clipping operations (intersection, union, set minus, set difference) for polygonal regions of arbitrary complexity, including holes. Computes offset polygons (spatial buffer zones, morphological dilations, Minkowski dilations) for polygonal regions and polygonal lines. Computes Minkowski Sum of general polygons. There is a function for removing self-intersections from polygon data.

topologyGSA — by Gabriele Sales, a year ago

Gene Set Analysis Exploiting Pathway Topology

Using Gaussian graphical models we propose a novel approach to perform pathway analysis using gene expression. Given the structure of a graph (a pathway) we introduce two statistical tests to compare the mean and the concentration matrices between two groups. Specifically, these tests can be performed on the graph and on its connected components (cliques). The package is based on the method described in Massa M.S., Chiogna M., Romualdi C. (2010) .

puzzle — by Mario Gonzalez Sales, 5 years ago

Assembling Data Sets for Non-Linear Mixed Effects Modeling

To Simplify the time consuming and error prone task of assembling complex data sets for non-linear mixed effects modeling. Users are able to select from different absorption processes such as zero and first order, or a combination of both. Furthermore, data sets containing data from several entities, responses, and covariates can be simultaneously assembled.

greekLetters — by Kevin Allan Sales Rodrigues, 4 months ago

Routines for Writing Greek Letters and Mathematical Symbols on the 'RStudio' and 'RGui'

An implementation of functions to display Greek letters on the 'RStudio' (include subscript and superscript indexes) and 'RGui' (without subscripts and only with superscript 1, 2 or 3; because 'RGui' doesn't support printing the corresponding Unicode characters as a string: all subscripts ranging from 0 to 9 and superscripts equal to 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9). The functions in this package do not work properly on the R console. Characters are used via Unicode and encoded as UTF-8 to ensure that they can be viewed on all operating systems. Other characters related to mathematics are included, such as the infinity symbol. All this accessible from very simple commands. This is a package that can be used for teaching purposes, the statistical notation for hypothesis testing can be written from this package and so it is possible to build a course from the 'swirlify' package. Another utility of this package is to create new summary functions that contain the functional form of the model adjusted with the Greek letters, thus making the transition from statistical theory to practice easier. In addition, it is a natural extension of the 'clisymbols' package.

diagL1 — by Kevin Allan Sales Rodrigues, a year ago

Routines for Fit, Inference and Diagnostics in Linear L1 and LAD Models

Diagnostics for linear L1 regression (also known as LAD - Least Absolute Deviations), including: estimation, confidence intervals, tests of hypotheses, measures of leverage, methods of diagnostics for L1 regression, special diagnostics graphs and measures of leverage. The algorithms are based in Dielman (2005) , Elian et al. (2000) and Dodge (1997) . This package builds on the 'quantreg' package, which is a well-established package for tuning quantile regression models. There are also tests to verify if the errors have a Laplace distribution based on the work of Puig and Stephens (2000) .

LadR — by Kevin Allan Sales Rodrigues, 6 years ago

Routines for Fit, Inference and Diagnostics in LAD Models

LAD (Least Absolute Deviations) estimation for linear regression, confidence intervals, tests of hypotheses, methods for outliers detection, measures of leverage, methods of diagnostics for LAD regression, special diagnostics graphs and measures of leverage. The algorithms are based in Dielman (2005) , Elian et al. (2000) and Dodge (1997) . This package also has two datasets "houses" and "pollution", respectively, from Narula and Wellington (1977) and Santos et al. (2016) .

flps — by Sooyong Lee, 10 months ago

Fully-Latent Principal Stratification

Simulation and analysis of Fully-Latent Principal Stratification (FLPS) with measurement models. Lee, Adam, Kang, & Whittaker (2023). . This package is supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant R305D210036.