Examples: visualization, C++, networks, data cleaning, html widgets, ropensci.

Found 2887 packages in 0.02 seconds

bdots — by Collin Nolte, 2 years ago

Bootstrapped Differences of Time Series

Analyze differences among time series curves with p-value adjustment for multiple comparisons introduced in Oleson et al (2015) .

LongMemoryTS — by Christian Leschinski, 6 years ago

Long Memory Time Series

Long Memory Time Series is a collection of functions for estimation, simulation and testing of long memory processes, spurious long memory processes and fractionally cointegrated systems.

MisRepARMA — by David Moriña Soler, 3 years ago

Misreported Time Series Analysis

Provides a simple and trustworthy methodology for the analysis of misreported continuous time series. See Moriña, D, Fernández-Fontelo, A, Cabaña, A, Puig P. (2021) .

NTS — by Xialu Liu, a year ago

Nonlinear Time Series Analysis

Simulation, estimation, prediction procedure, and model identification methods for nonlinear time series analysis, including threshold autoregressive models, Markov-switching models, convolutional functional autoregressive models, nonlinearity tests, Kalman filters and various sequential Monte Carlo methods. More examples and details about this package can be found in the book "Nonlinear Time Series Analysis" by Ruey S. Tsay and Rong Chen, John Wiley & Sons, 2018 (ISBN: 978-1-119-26407-1).

transx — by Kostas Vasilopoulos, 4 years ago

Transform Univariate Time Series

Univariate time series operations that follow an opinionated design. The main principle of 'transx' is to keep the number of observations the same. Operations that reduce this number have to fill the observations gap.

DChaos — by Julio E. Sandubete, 2 years ago

Chaotic Time Series Analysis

Chaos theory has been hailed as a revolution of thoughts and attracting ever increasing attention of many scientists from diverse disciplines. Chaotic systems are nonlinear deterministic dynamic systems which can behave like an erratic and apparently random motion. A relevant field inside chaos theory and nonlinear time series analysis is the detection of a chaotic behaviour from empirical time series data. One of the main features of chaos is the well known initial value sensitivity property. Methods and techniques related to test the hypothesis of chaos try to quantify the initial value sensitive property estimating the Lyapunov exponents. The DChaos package provides different useful tools and efficient algorithms which test robustly the hypothesis of chaos based on the Lyapunov exponent in order to know if the data generating process behind time series behave chaotically or not.

bimets — by Andrea Luciani, a month ago

Time Series and Econometric Modeling

Time series analysis, (dis)aggregation and manipulation, e.g. time series extension, merge, projection, lag, lead, delta, moving and cumulative average and product, selection by index, date and year-period, conversion to daily, monthly, quarterly, (semi)annually. Simultaneous equation models definition, estimation, simulation and forecasting with coefficient restrictions, error autocorrelation, exogenization, add-factors, impact and interim multipliers analysis, conditional equation evaluation, rational expectations, endogenous targeting and model renormalization, structural stability, stochastic simulation and forecast, optimal control.

tsdecomp — by Javier López-de-Lacalle, 8 years ago

Decomposition of Time Series Data

ARIMA-model-based decomposition of quarterly and monthly time series data. The methodology is developed and described, among others, in Burman (1980) and Hillmer and Tiao (1982) .

tsSelect — by Avi Blinder, 8 years ago

Execution of Time Series Models

Execution of various time series models and choosing the best one either by a specific error metric or by picking the best one by majority vote. The models are based on the "forecast" package, written by Prof. Rob Hyndman.

tscount — by Tobias Liboschik, 4 years ago

Analysis of Count Time Series

Likelihood-based methods for model fitting and assessment, prediction and intervention analysis of count time series following generalized linear models are provided. Models with the identity and with the logarithmic link function are allowed. The conditional distribution can be Poisson or Negative Binomial.