Examples: visualization, C++, networks, data cleaning, html widgets, ropensci.

Found 133 packages in 0.51 seconds

BaseSet — by LluĂ­s Revilla Sancho, a year ago

Working with Sets the Tidy Way

Implements a class and methods to work with sets, doing intersection, union, complementary sets, power sets, cartesian product and other set operations in a "tidy" way. These set operations are available for both classical sets and fuzzy sets. Import sets from several formats or from other several data structures.

optimall — by Jasper Yang, 7 months ago

Allocate Samples Among Strata

Functions for the design process of survey sampling, with specific tools for multi-wave and multi-phase designs. Perform optimum allocation using Neyman (1934) or Wright (2012) allocation, split strata based on quantiles or values of known variables, randomly select samples from strata, allocate sampling waves iteratively, and organize a complex survey design. Also includes a Shiny application for observing the effects of different strata splits.

prcr — by Joshua M Rosenberg, 5 years ago

Person-Centered Analysis

Provides an easy-to-use yet adaptable set of tools to conduct person-center analysis using a two-step clustering procedure. As described in Bergman and El-Khouri (1999) , hierarchical clustering is performed to determine the initial partition for the subsequent k-means clustering procedure.

multipleDL — by Yuqi Tian, a year ago

Addressing Detection Limits by Cumulative Probability Models (CPMs)

Build CPMs (cumulative probability models, also known as cumulative link models) to account for detection limits (both single and multiple detection limits) in response variables. Conditional quantiles and conditional CDFs can be calculated based on fitted models. The package implements methods described in Tian, Y., Li, C., Tu, S., James, N. T., Harrell, F. E., & Shepherd, B. E. (2022). "Addressing Detection Limits with Semiparametric Cumulative Probability Models". .

childfree — by Zachary Neal, 4 months ago

Access and Harmonize Childfree Demographic Data

Reads demographic data from a variety of public data sources, extracting and harmonizing variables useful for the study of childfree individuals. The identification of childfree individuals and those with other family statuses uses Neal & Neal's (2024) "A Framework for Studying Adults who Neither have Nor Want Children" ; A pre-print is available at .

tangram — by Shawn Garbett, 2 years ago

The Grammar of Tables

Provides an extensible formula system to quickly and easily create production quality tables. The processing steps are a formula parser, statistical content generation from data as defined by formula, followed by rendering into a table. Each step of the processing is separate and user definable thus creating a set of composable building blocks for highly customizable table generation. A user is not limited by any of the choices of the package creator other than the formula grammar. For example, one could chose to add a different S3 rendering function and output a format not provided in the default package, or possibly one would rather have Gini coefficients for their statistical content in a resulting table. Routines to achieve New England Journal of Medicine style, Lancet style and Hmisc::summaryM() statistics are provided. The package contains rendering for HTML5, Rmarkdown and an indexing format for use in tracing and tracking are provided.

soundecology — by Luis J. Villanueva-Rivera, 7 years ago

Soundscape Ecology

Functions to calculate indices for soundscape ecology and other ecology research that uses audio recordings.

EGRETci — by Laura DeCicco, 4 years ago

Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends Confidence Intervals

Collection of functions to evaluate uncertainty of results from water quality analysis using the Weighted Regressions on Time Discharge and Season (WRTDS) method. This package is an add-on to the EGRET package that performs the WRTDS analysis. The WRTDS modeling method was initially introduced and discussed in Hirsch et al. (2010) , and expanded in Hirsch and De Cicco (2015) . The paper describing the uncertainty and confidence interval calculations is Hirsch et al. (2015) .

breakaway — by Amy D Willis, 2 years ago

Species Richness Estimation and Modeling

Understanding the drivers of microbial diversity is an important frontier of microbial ecology, and investigating the diversity of samples from microbial ecosystems is a common step in any microbiome analysis. 'breakaway' is the premier package for statistical analysis of microbial diversity. 'breakaway' implements the latest and greatest estimates of species richness, described in Willis and Bunge (2015) , Willis et al. (2017) , and Willis (2016) , as well as the most commonly used estimates, including the objective Bayes approach described in Barger and Bunge (2010) .

renderthis — by John Helveston, 2 years ago

Render Slides to Different Formats

Render slides to different formats, including 'html', 'pdf', 'png', 'gif', 'pptx', and 'mp4', as well as a 'social' output, a 'png' of the first slide re-sized for sharing on social media.