Reference manual

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0.1.15 by David Cortes, 6 months ago

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Authors: David Cortes [aut, cre, cph] , Dmitry Selivanov [cph] , Thibaut Goetghebuer-Planchon [cph] (Copyright holder of included robinmap library) , Martin Maechler [cph] (Copyright holder of 'Matrix' package from which some code was taken) , Robert Gentleman [cph] (Copyright holder of mathematical functions used by base R which were copied) , Ross Ihaka [cph] (Copyright holder of mathematical functions used by base R which were copied)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports Rcpp, RhpcBLASctl, float

Depends on Matrix, methods

Suggests testthat, data.table, knitr, rmarkdown

Linking to Rcpp

Imported by did2s, fastglmpca, hdf5r.Extra, recometrics, rsparse.

Suggested by RcppBlaze, cmfrec, readsparse.

See at CRAN