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0.12.0 by Tyler Morgan-Wall, a month ago,
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Authors: Tyler Morgan-Wall [aut, cph, cre] , Syoyo Fujita [ctb, cph] , Vilya Harvey [ctb, cph] , G-Truc Creation [ctb, cph] , Sean Barrett [ctb, cph]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 3) license
Imports Rcpp, grDevices, rayimage, png, digest, pillar, vctrs, tibble, withr, cli
Suggests Rvcg, magick, raster, testthat
Linking to Rcpp, spacefillr, RcppThread, rayimage
System requirements: C++17
Imported by raybevel, raymolecule, rayrender, rayshader, tree3d.
Suggested by piecepackr.
See at CRAN