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0.5.0 by Bob Rudis, 5 years ago
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Authors: Bob Rudis [aut, cre] , Dave Raggett [ctb, aut] (Original HTML Tidy library) , Charles Reitzel [ctb, aut] (Modern HTML Tidy library) , Björn Höhrmann [ctb, aut] (HTML5 Support) , Kenton Russell [aut, ctb] (xml-viewer integration) , Vadim Kiryukhin [ctb, cph] (vkbeautify library) , Ivan Sagalaev [ctb, cph] (highlight.js library) , Lev Muchnik [ctb, cph] (xml-viewer library)
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports Rcpp, xml2, XML, htmlwidgets, htmltools
Suggests testthat, httr, rvest
Linking to Rcpp
See at CRAN