Reference manual

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1.5.6 by Fabio Sigrist, 13 days ago

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Authors: Fabio Sigrist [aut, cre] , Tim Gyger [aut] , Pascal Kuendig [aut] , Benoit Jacob [cph] , Gael Guennebaud [cph] , Nicolas Carre [cph] , Pierre Zoppitelli [cph] , Gauthier Brun [cph] , Jean Ceccato [cph] , Jitse Niesen [cph] , Other authors of Eigen for the included version of Eigen [ctb, cph] , Timothy A. Davis [cph] , Guolin Ke [ctb] , Damien Soukhavong [ctb] , James Lamb [ctb] , Other authors of LightGBM for the included version of LightGBM [ctb] , Microsoft Corporation [cph] , Dropbox , Inc. [cph] , Jay Loden [cph] , Dave Daeschler [cph] , Giampaolo Rodola [cph] , Alberto Ferreira [ctb] , Daniel Lemire [ctb] , Victor Zverovich [cph] , IBM Corporation [ctb] , Keith O'Hara [cph] , Stephen L. Moshier [cph] , Jorge Nocedal [cph] , Naoaki Okazaki [cph] , Yixuan Qiu [cph] , Dirk Toewe [cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

Apache License (== 2.0) | file LICENSE license

Imports data.table, graphics, RJSONIO, Matrix, methods, utils

Depends on R6

Suggests testthat

System requirements: C++17

See at CRAN