Reference manual

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1.5.11 by Oskar Hagen, 8 months ago

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Authors: ETH Zürich [cph] , Oskar Hagen [aut, cre] (Landscape Ecology , WSL and ETH Zürich , Switzerland) , Benjamin Flück [aut] (Landscape Ecology , WSL and ETH Zürich , Switzerland) , Fabian Fopp [aut] (Landscape Ecology , WSL and ETH Zürich , Switzerland) , Juliano S. Cabral [aut] (Ecosystem Modeling , Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology , University of Würzburg , Würzburg , Germany) , Florian Hartig [aut] (Theoretical Ecology , University of Regensburg , Regensburg , Germany) , Mikael Pontarp [aut] (Department of Biology , Lund University , Lund , Sweden) , Charles Novaes de Santana [ctb] (Landscape Ecology , WSL and ETH Zürich , Switzerland) , Thiago F. Rangel [aut] (Department of Ecology , Universidade Federal de Goiás , Goiás , Brazil) , Theo Gaboriau [ctb] (Depatment of Computational Biology , Lausanne University , Switzerland) , Loïc Pellissier [aut, ths] (Landscape Ecology , WSL and ETH Zürich , Switzerland)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports Rcpp, Matrix, methods, utils, raster, gdistance, stringr, tools, grDevices

Suggests knitr, markdown, testthat, rmarkdown, formatR

Linking to Rcpp, BH

See at CRAN