Reference manual

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1.4.2 by Han Chen, a day ago

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Authors: Xinyu Wang [aut] , Han Chen [aut, cre] , Duy Pham [aut] , Kenneth Westerman [ctb] , Cong Pan [aut] , Eric Biggers [ctb, cph] (Author and copyright holder of included libdeflate library) , Tino Reichardt [ctb, cph] (Author and copyright holder of threading code used in the included Zstandard (zstd) library) , Meta Platforms , Inc. and affiliates [cph] (Copyright holder of included Zstandard (zstd) library)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 3) license

Imports Rcpp, Matrix, parallel, MASS, foreach, GMMAT, CompQuadForm, data.table

Suggests doMC, SeqArray, SeqVarTools, testthat

Linking to Rcpp, RcppArmadillo

See at CRAN