Reference manual

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0.1.5 by Ken Kellner, 2 years ago

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Authors: Michael Schaub [aut] , Marc Kéry [aut] , Mike Meredith [aut] , Ken Kellner [cre] , Raphaël Arlettaz [dtc] (bats) , Gabriel Banderet [dtc] (peregrine) , François Biollaz [dtc] (bats) , Radames Bionda [dtc] (grouse) , Thomas Bregnballe [dtc] (cormorant) , Hans Jakober [dtc] (redbacked) , Ioannis Ntzoufras [ctb] , Luca Rotelli [dtc] (grouse) , Antoine Sierro [dtc] (bats) , Wolfgang Stauber [dtc] (redbacked) , Bruno Ullrich [dtc] (woodchat11) , Fonds Sauvegarde Faune Flore Jurassienne - Groupe Pèlerin Jura [dtc] (peregrine) , Idaho Department of Fish and Game [dtc] (elk) , Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries [dtc] (bear) , Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship program (MAPS) [dtc] (catbird) , North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) [dtc] (catbird) , University Bern , Division of Conservation Biology [dtc] (hoopoe) , Vogelwarte Hiddensee , Germany [dtc] (stork) , Swiss Ornithological Institute [dtc] (hoopoe , kestrel , peregrine , swallow , wryneck)

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