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1.1.0 by Jean-Luc Lablée, a month ago
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Authors: Serge Guillaume [aut] , Jean-Luc Lablée [aut, cre] , INRAE [cph] (National Research Institute for Agriculture , Food and Environment , France)
Documentation: PDF Manual
CeCILL license
Imports methods, utils, stats, Rdpack, foreach, R6, Rcpp, magrittr, sf, nnls, itertools, purrr
Depends on sp, data.tree, FisPro
Suggests testthat, rlang, knitr, rmarkdown, RColorBrewer, R.rsp
Linking to Rcpp, BH, FisPro
System requirements: GNU make, C++17, gmp, mpfr
See at CRAN