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1.0-16 by Edzer Pebesma, 2 months ago,

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Authors: Edzer Pebesma [aut, cre] , Roger Bivand [ctb] , Etienne Racine [ctb] , Michael Sumner [ctb] , Ian Cook [ctb] , Tim Keitt [ctb] , Robin Lovelace [ctb] , Hadley Wickham [ctb] , Jeroen Ooms [ctb] , Kirill Müller [ctb] , Thomas Lin Pedersen [ctb] , Dan Baston [ctb] , Dewey Dunnington [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-2 | MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports classInt, DBI, graphics, grDevices, grid, magrittr, Rcpp, s2, stats, tools, units, utils

Depends on methods

Suggests blob, nanoarrow, covr, dplyr, ggplot2, knitr, lwgeom, maps, mapview, Matrix, microbenchmark, odbc, pbapply, pillar, pool, raster, rlang, rmarkdown, RPostgres, RPostgreSQL, RSQLite, sp, spatstat, spatstat.geom, spatstat.random, spatstat.linnet, spatstat.utils, stars, terra, testthat, tibble, tidyr, tidyselect, tmap, vctrs, wk

Linking to Rcpp

System requirements: GDAL (>= 2.0.1), GEOS (>= 3.4.0), PROJ (>= 4.8.0), sqlite3

Imported by ARPALData, ARUtools, BFS, BIEN, BIOMASS, BayesX, BeeBDC, BoundaryStats, CARBayes, CARBayesST, CARBayesdata, CAST, CDCPLACES, CDSE, CRTspat, CSHShydRology, CatastRo, CoastlineFD, CopernicusDEM, CopernicusMarine, CropScapeR, CvmortalityMult, DEPONS2R, Directional, EEAaq, EmissV, FIESTA, FIESTAutils, FORTLS, FedData, ForestTools, GEOmap, GGoutlieR, GIFT, GISINTEGRATION, GISSB, GPSeqClus, GREENeR, GWSDAT, GWmodel, GWnnegPCA, GWpcor, GeNetIt, GeoAdjust, HDSpatialScan, INLAspacetime, IRexamples, ISRaD, IceSat2R, KMLtoSHAPE, LAGOSNE, LMMsolver, LandComp, MODISTools, MTA, MainExistingDatasets, MapGAM, MassWateR, MazamaSpatialPlots, MetricGraph, MigConnectivity, Momocs, Morpho, NipponMap, OSMscale, Orcs, PAMscapes, PL94171, PReMiuM, PlanetNICFI, PublicWorksFinanceIT, RPyGeo, RStoolbox, RWmisc, RchivalTag, Relectoral, Rlibkdv, Rsagacmd, SDLfilter, SDPDmod, SMITIDstruct, SRTsim, SSDM, SSIMmap, SSN2, SSNbayes, SUMMER, SUNGEO, SWMPrExtension, SWTools, SchoolDataIT, SimSurvey, SpaTopic, SpatGC, SpatGRID, SpatialGraph, SpatialKDE, SpatialPosition, SpatialRDD, StormR, SurfaceTortoise, TDLM, TUFLOWR, TreeRingShape, VancouvR, VicmapR, WEGE, WeightedTreemaps, WorldMapR, abmR, abstr, adw, agricolaeplotr, alarmdata, amt, anipaths, antaresViz, aopdata, appeears, arcgislayers, arcgisutils, areal, arealDB, ascotraceR, atakrig, atpolR, automap, bRacatus, bangladesh, basemaps, bayesmove, bcdata, bcputility, bdc, bdl, bdvis, bfsMaps, bigDM, bioregion, blackmarbler, blockCV, bluebike, btb, camtrapR, canadianmaps, capm, card, cartograflow, cartogram, cartogramR, cartographer, cartography, cdrcR, censable, cft, changeRangeR, chessboard, chirps, cleangeo, clhs, climenv, cmsafvis, cnmap, comorosmaps, concaveman, conleyreg, constrainedKriging, covid19br, covid19sf, covidcast, crawl, crimedata, cropDemand, cropZoning, crsuggest, cshapes, csodata, ctmm, cubble, cyclestreets, dafishr, damAOI, datazoom.amazonia, daymetr, densityarea, disaggregation, dispeRse, distanceto, divseg, divvy, dots, downscale, dsims, dsmSearch, dssd, dwp, dynamicSDM, eSDM, ebirdst, echor, edbuildmapr, ediblecity, eiExpand, eixport, eks, elevatr, emstreeR, enmSdmX, envi, epiR, epikit, epm, evolMap, exactextractr, expowo, extRatum, feltr, fgdr, fishRman, fisheye, fitbitViz, flexpolyline, flightplot, fmesher, forestecology, fsr, fude, galah,, gdalUtilities, geneHapR, geoAr, geobr, geocausal, geocmeans, geodimension, geodiv, geodrawr, geofi, geogenr, geogrid, geojsonio, geomander, geomaroc, geomerge, geomultistar, geonetwork, geoperu, geostan, geouy, gfcanalysis, ggOceanMaps, ggautomap, ggfields, ggseg, ggspatial, giscoR, glottospace, googletraffic, gps.track, grainscape, graph4lg, gridpattern, gstat, gtfs2emis, gtfs2gps, gtfstools, gwavr, gwpcormapper, h3jsr, happign, helsinki, hemispheR, hereR, hero, himach, hosm, hwsdr, hydroloom, hyfo, hypsoLoop, icosa, idbr, iemisc, importinegi, inlabru, inldata, intamap, intamapInteractive, ipdw, ispdata, itsdm, jmastats, jpgrid, jpmesh, klexdatr, kokudosuuchi, lakemorpho, landsepi, lazysf, lconnect, leafem, leafgl, leafpm, leafpop, leastcostpath, letsR, lgcp, lidR, lidaRtRee, link2GI, lwgeom, macleish, macroBiome, malariaAtlas, mapSpain, mapStats, mapboxapi, mapchina, mapedit, mapi, mapiso, mapme.biodiversity, mapmixture, mapping, mapsapi, mapscanner, mapsf, maptiles, mapview, metR, meteo, meteoland, meteospain, mgwrsar, micromapST, mlr3spatial, monographaR, motif, move2, movecost, movegroup, naijR, naturaList, ncdfgeom, ndi, neonPlantEcology, neotoma2, netmap, nhdR, nhdplusTools, njgeo, nlrx, nominatimlite, nswgeo, oceanexplorer, oceanic, oceanis, oceanmap, odbr, ofpetrial, ohsome, ohun, openairmaps, opendatatoronto, openeo, opentripplanner, osmextract, osrm, otpr, ows4R, ozmaps, pRecipe, palaeoverse, pargasite, patternize, pavo, pct, pgirmess, planscorer, plantTracker, pliman, plotdap, plusCode2, populR, potential, povmap, pressuRe, prevR, prioritizr, prioritizrdata, prisonbrief, pseudohouseholds, pspatreg, ptools, pycno, qlcVisualize, qualmap, r5r, rSPARCS, rTLsDeep, rWCVP, raceland, rangeBuilder, rangeMapper, rasterDT, rasterbc, rasterpic, raytracing, rcarbon, rdhs, rdwplus, readwritesqlite, redist, redistmetrics, redlistr, ref.ICAR, remap, rerddapXtracto, rfishnet2, rflexscan, rgeoboundaries, rgeoda, rgeopat2, rgugik, ripc, riverdist, rivnet, rlandfire, rmapshaper, rmapzen, rnaturalearth, rnrfa, roads, robis, rolap, rosmium, roughsf, rpostgis, rsat, rsi, rsocialwatcher, rstac, rtop, sabre, sampbias, satres, secr, secrdesign, secrlinear, seedreg, sfarrow, sfcentral, sfdct, sfdep, sfhotspot, sfislands, sfnetworks, sftrack, sgapi, sgsR, shoredate, simodels, sits, smartmap, smoothr, soilassessment, sorvi, spNetwork, spacejamr, spatgeom, spatialEco, spatialrisk, spatialsample, spatsoc, spatsurv, spectator, spectralR, sphet, spmodel, spmoran, spnaf, sqlhelper, stampr, starsTileServer, stats19, stelfi, stplanr, stppSim, streamDepletr, streetscape, sugarbag, suntools, supercells, surveyPrev, swfscDAS, swfscMisc, tanaka, tectonicr, terrainr, tidyUSDA, tidycensus, tidygeoRSS, tidyrgee, tidysdm, tidyterra, tidytransit, tigris, tilemaps, tinytiger, tmap, tmaptools, tongfen, track2KBA, trackdf, trackeRapp, transformr, treePlotArea, treesliceR, trigpoints, uavRmp, uci, upstartr, ursa, usmapdata, valhallr, valuemap, vein, velociraptr, versioning, vietnameseConverter, viewscape, voluModel, walkboutr, wallace, waywiser, weed, wflo, wildlifeDI, wingen, zonebuilder.

Depended on by CCAMLRGIS, LabourMarketAreas, MazamaSpatialUtils, PointedSDMs, RCzechia, animalEKF, arcpullr, basf, bcmaps, bispdep, canadamaps, cffdrs, chilemapas, dggridR, ecochange, geotopbricks, ggmapinset, habCluster, hydflood, intSDM, micromap, nngeo, onmaRg, rKIN, rLFT, raptr, rgplates, rts2, segmetric, sftime, siland, spMaps, spatialreg, spdep, spsurvey, stars, starsExtra, stcos, surveyvoi, tilegramsR, transfR, waver, wdnr.gis, wdpar, windAC.

Suggested by AMAPVox, APackOfTheClones, AQuadtree, BiodiversityR, ClimMobTools, CoDaImpact, CoordinateCleaner, DCluster, DRquality, DeclareDesign, EMbC, ENMTools, ENMeval, EcoIndR, FRK, FlickrAPI, GDAtools, Guerry, HSAUR3, HYPEtools, NetLogoR, Platypus, PopGenReport, R2BayesX, RGENERATEPREC, RSAGA, RTL, SCpubr, SeuratObject, SiMRiv,, SpaceTimeBSS, SpatialBSS, TeachingDemos, USA.state.boundaries, accessibility, actel, adehabitatHR, adklakedata, annotator, apsimx, aqp, arcgeocoder, arcpbf, arcpy, argoFloats, auk, ausplotsR, baker, bamlss, bayesTFR, bioRad, biscale, bmstdr, cancensus, cbsodataR, ckanr, climaemet, climatrends, cmhc, colorist, confcons, constructive, covatest, csdata, csmaps, dartR.base, dartR.spatial, dataRetrieval, deckgl, disdat, dodgr, duckdbfs, eRTG3D, earthdatalogin, easyclimate, echarty, echelon, ecocomDP, efdm, emdi, espadon, eurostat, excursions, fakir, fasterize, findSVI, gdalcubes, gear, geodaData, geofacet, geohashTools, geojson, geometa, geomtextpath, geos, gganimate, ggblanket, ggformula, gghighlight, gginnards, ggiraph, ggpattern, ggplot2, ggquiver, ggraph, ggrastr, ggredist, googlePolylines, graphhopper, gratia, grwat, hubeau, hypergate, icesVMS, ie2miscdata, iemiscdata, ipeaplot, ipsecr, ipumsr, isoband, janitor, jsonlite, klovan, lacunaritycovariance, landsat, landscapemetrics, leaflet, leaflet.extras2, lingtypology, loa, lterdatasampler, lutz, mapsFinland, mcmcsae, mdsr, metamer, meteoForecast, mlr, mlr3spatiotempcv, moveWindSpeed, npphen, nuts, o2geosocial, oce, od, opencage, osdatahub, osmdata, overlapptest, palaeoSig, palettes, pastclim, pcutils, pinochet, plainview, plotly, plumber, polyCub, polylabelr, protolite, psgp, qgisprocess, quadtree, quickPlot, rGhanaCensus, rangeModelMetadata, raster, rasterList, rasterVis, rayrender, rayshader, rcartocolor, recogito, recurse, regional, remotePARTS, reproducible, rgbif, rgee, rgrass, rinat, robotoolbox, rosm, rphylopic, rsatscan, rsgeo, rworldmap, saeTrafo, sbtools, sdcSpatial, sdmTMB, sharpshootR, slendr, smerc, snapKrig, sociome, soilDB, sp, spData, spacetime, sparrpowR, spbabel, spcosa, spgwr, spotoroo, spsur, spup, streamDAG, surveillance, terra, tgver, tidyplus, tiler, tipsae, trajectories, traudem, treespace, ukpolice, unifir, usmap, vegtable, via, voi, waterquality, whitebox, wk.

See at CRAN