Reference manual

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0.5.5 by Albert Y. Kim, 2 years ago,

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Authors: Albert Y. Kim [aut, cre] , Chester Ismay [aut] , Andrew Bray [ctb] , Delaney Moran [ctb] , Evgeni Chasnovski [ctb] , Will Hopper [ctb] , Benjamin S. Baumer [ctb] , Marium Tapal [ctb] , Wayne Ndlovu [ctb] , Catherine Peppers [ctb] , Annah Mutaya [ctb] , Anushree Goswami [ctb] , Ziyue Yang [ctb] , Clara Li [ctb] , Caroline McKenna [ctb] , Catherine Park [ctb] , Abbie Benfield [ctb] , Georgia Gans [ctb] , Kacey Jean-Jacques [ctb] , Swaha Bhattacharya [ctb] , Vivian Almaraz [ctb] , Elle Jo Whalen [ctb] , Jacqueline Chen [ctb] , Michelle Flesaker [ctb] , Irene Foster [ctb] , Aushanae Haller [ctb] , Benjamin Bruncati [ctb] , Quinn White [ctb] , Tianshu Zhang [ctb] , Katelyn Diaz [ctb] , Rose Porta [ctb] , Renee Wu [ctb] , Arris Moise [ctb] , Kate Phan [ctb] , Grace Hartley [ctb] , Silas Weden [ctb] , Emma Vejcik [ctb] , Nikki Schuldt [ctb] , Tess Goldmann [ctb] , Hongtong Lin [ctb] , Alejandra Munoz [ctb] , Elina Gordon-Halpern [ctb] , Haley Schmidt [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports magrittr, dplyr, ggplot2, tibble, janitor, broom,, stringr, knitr, infer, rlang, glue

Suggests testthat, covr, rmarkdown, vdiffr, openintro, patchwork, viridis, readr, nycflights13

Suggested by LSTbook, pdxTrees.

See at CRAN