Reference manual

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2.2.16 by Laura Espinosa, 6 months ago

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Authors: Laura Espinosa [aut, fnd, cre] , Project manager , author of the design and concept of the package , and package maintainer) , Francisco Orchard [aut, ctr] , Author of the package and original code) , Ariana Wijermans [ctb] (Contributor to the design and concept of the package) , Thomas Mollet [ctb, fnd] (Business owner of the project , and contributor to the design and concept of the package) , Adrian Prodan [ctb] , Thomas Czernichow [ctb] , Maria Prieto Gonzalez [ctb] , Esther Kissling [ctb] , Michael Höhle [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

EUPL license

Imports bit64, dplyr, crul, curl, DT, emayili, future, httpuv, httr, htmltools, jsonlite, keyring, knitr, lifecycle, ggplot2, janitor, magrittr, parallel, plotly, processx, rtweet, readxl, rlang, rmarkdown, rnaturalearthdata, openxlsx, plyr, shiny, sp, stringr, stats, tibble, tidyverse, tidytext, tools, utils, xtable, xml2

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